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  • Dripping Springs, TX
  • United States
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  • Vanessa Obas
  • Elizabeth D. Sánchez
  • Denise Graham
  • Joyce Howell
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  • Kellie Zollars
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I Am My Own Genie

My Christmas wish is for the Organization Genie to swoop into my home office and magically create order from quasi-chaos, move the printer/fax to this computer (and find the software), paint the walls, build shelves, and DUST!
3/2/08 - The Organization Genie was a little late. (I'd blame the tequila but she'd whack me if I did.) One day in February I woke up and, voila, there was a nice matching 6-drawer chest and 2-drawer filing cabinet from IKEA in place of -- well, a bunch of junk and (mostly clean) underwear lying in piles. WHOO-HOO! Now if I can only figure out what to do with a box of Fed Ex mailing packages I'll never use and those bubble mailers left over from my short-lived eBay business, my office will be in tip-top shape.

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At 10:36 on December 29, 2009, Christine (Steno Nerd) said…
Thank you, Melody!


At 9:19 on December 28, 2009, Christine (Steno Nerd) said…

At 4:30 on August 18, 2009, Devan J. Moore said…
I'm looking for a scopist to take a high volume of work (transcripts totaling 250 pgs +), usually not expedited or daily. Experienced in some medical is great. If you are looking to take on an additional reporter, please email me your rates at Thank you 8-)
At 10:54 on December 27, 2008, Kelli Combs (admin) said…
Happy early birthday Melody!
At 6:56 on November 25, 2008, Jomanna DeRosa said…
sounds good - if you have a chance call me on my way to work this afternoon. I should be in the car between 11 - 12:30 on 201-638-3524. If not, I will be around tom. and you can call me at home 201-327-3797. Have a great day
At 16:48 on November 24, 2008, Jomanna DeRosa said…
I'm an experienced realtime court reporter with over 16 yrs in the field. I do have a primary scopist, but because of the volume of work I take and the amount of dailies/expedites I have, I need to have a full-time secondary scopist. I am looking for someone who can handle taking an additional 150-200 pgs per week/every week, who MUST BE ABLE to split dailies/expedites. Audio sync capabilities is a must!! Please call asap because I have more work than I can handle and am only looking for someone who is top notch and reliable.
At 20:23 on September 4, 2008, Andrea M. Ignacio said…
Hi, Melody.

Just got off the phone with Janis Jennings here in California and she said you're looking to pick up a new reporter. If so I've got tons of work. Wish I would have known last week. I had 800 pages in 3 days on an ITC case. I have some work to be scoped now if you're able. let me know. my email is I mostly do ITC work alot of IP cases. In fact I've got a new one starting next Thurs Biogenex case. Interested??? Hope to hear from you. Janis highly recommends you!
At 7:23 on March 5, 2008, Andrea M. Ignacio said…
Hi, Melody,

I'm looking for a scopist. I'm on Case CATalyst too. Could you send me your rates? My email is
At 22:09 on January 4, 2008, Pam Martin said…
Hi Melody, you had asked questions about my work with the TV production company and I didn't get back to you, I am sorry! Yes, the production company is in Wisconsin, we shoot in HD and have had a show on the Outdoor Channel called "Wings to Adventure" and will have a new show starting in April called "Sean Tucker's Logbook." They are aviation shows.
At 16:45 on January 1, 2008, Karen Morris said…
I'll forgive you for being a Longhorn!
I start my radiation tomorrow morning at around 8:00. I went to my oncologist yesterday and he has said that I can go ahead and have my port removed. He wasn't planning on giving me any more chemo! I told him I wasn't planning on it either! So that's where I'm at!

Happy New Year! And I'll probably have a few questions for you once I get this radiation started!
