Rosalie DeLeonardis
  • Female
  • Tracy, CA
  • United States
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  • Tori Lawton
  • Roberta-Anne Schmitt
  • Lori Atkinson
  • Jennie Ann
  • Julie Geraty
  • Janiece Young
  • Angela McPherson
  • Aarika Cottingham
  • Cynthia Warren
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  • Christine Bedard
  • Kelli Combs (admin)

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Rosalie DeLeonardis's Discussions

3 Replies

Started this discussion. Last reply by Melanie C. Hines May 2, 2012.

13 Replies

Started this discussion. Last reply by Veronica Kubat Nov 5, 2009.

Best Practice for Audio Recording

Started Apr 13, 2009


Welcome, Rosalie Henshall!

Profile Information

What is your occupation?
Court Reporter
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From a friend
What is your CSR number if you're a court reporter?
If reporter/scopist, what software do you use?
Case Catalyst

Rosalie DeLeonardis's Blog

Would you use sic???

During the depo the hearing reprensentative referred to me on the record "I'm just showing the transcriptionist...." Normally I would not even consider putting (sic) behind the word transcriptionist, but this is the same hearing rep that pulled a fast one a few months back where he was instructed by his law firm and also the applicant's law firm to send me the doctor's report so I could get all the spellings, which he was upset about having to copying, so he called my firm the next day and… Continue

Posted on March 11, 2009 at 8:22 — 1 Comment


Can anybody help with the correct spelling of a company name? The doctor was talking about a company that do studies on college students IQ. What I heard and wrote, which may be totally wrong, is "Dodgeroll and Wonderlick Corporation. Any help would be so much appreciated.

Posted on November 14, 2008 at 8:21 — 4 Comments

Swearing in an Interpreter

I just finished a depo where an interpreter was used. I said my usual statement, which is: You do promise to translate from English into Spanish and from Spanish into English to the best of your ability. The interpreter's response was No, he would not translate, that he would interpret, I used the wrong word. Uh???? That's the way I've been doing it for 12 years and have never been told I was doing my job wrong. The funny thing about it the attorney asked him what does that mean, are you going… Continue

Posted on September 24, 2008 at 16:10 — 6 Comments

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At 17:41 on June 28, 2018, Kelli Combs (admin) said…

Hey, Rosalie -

Where have you been?  I have not heard from you in years.  I hope you're okay.

At 17:02 on January 8, 2010, Thomas Herman said…
Thank you! You are right!~)
At 16:33 on September 16, 2009, Thomas Herman said…
I will look at the Morson's rule and see. Thank you!
At 10:19 on May 7, 2009, Angela McPherson said…
I was just wondering if you had found a proofreader yet. I responded on Monday but didn't hear back. ~Angie
At 6:15 on May 5, 2009, Sandra Hockenberry said…
Thanks for your reply. Contact me anytime!
At 5:18 on May 5, 2009, Mari Jusino said…
Hello, Rosalie,
If you are still in need of a proofreader, feel free to contact me at or My rates are higher than those listed. I haven't seen those prices since the early '90s. I've been scoping and proofing for 20+ years. I've come across just about everything. I pride myself in being thorough and quick. If you're interested or have questions, feel free to contact me. And good luck on your search!
At 12:10 on May 4, 2009, Kathy Jack said…
Hi Rosalie,

I am a retired reporter of 20 something years experience. During my time reporting I also scoped for other reporters. I read from hard copy unless I'm listening to audio. I have Case Cat. I charge. .40 page w/no audio. .50 with audio and .60 rush. I can make corrections right in the transcript and mark them with a ^. If you need help, please e-mail me at
At 9:59 on May 4, 2009, Sandra Hockenberry said…
Got your notice through CSR. I'm an Eclipse scopist with 4 years experience, trained through Best Techniques online scoping program. Transcription/proofreading for over 6 years. I have references if you need them. Answers to your questions:
1. Do you proofread off a screen or on paper?
I proofread on paper. Files received are usually in PDF format, but I can do through RTF as well.

2. What is your normal turnaround time and rate?
Normal turnaround is 5-7 days, with expedite noted ASAP. Regular rate is $.40/page

3. What is your expedite rate?

4. What is your rate for doctors/expert witnesses, and rate for expedite doctor/expert witnesses?
Same rates as above.

6. How do you send corrections back, i.e, in an e-mail with page/line and what the correction is?
The suggested corrections are sent back via e-mail on an errata sheet with page and line number references.
At 9:36 on May 4, 2009, Chris Wyrick said…
I have been a deposition scopist (Total Eclipse) and proofreader for five years before which I was a medical transcriptionist for 35 years, most specialities, inpatient and doctor offices. I proofread on paper and email an errata sheet with the page/line corrections ("1/1: frend = friend"). My fees are 35 cents a page for proofreading (expert or not) and 50 cents a page for expedite; turnaround is when you need it. Please email me at Thank you!
At 9:30 on May 4, 2009, Laura Fowler said…
Hi Rosalie,
I am a working freelance reporter part time because of family schedule, so I am doing proofreading on the side. If you'd like me to proofread for you, I charge 35 cents a page normal and 50 cents expedite. Normal turnaround is 48 hours. I do proof on paper as that is the only way I would accept my proofreader doing it, too. I send an errata sheet showing page/line, partial sentence (in case you need to search for it), then correction. All you need to do is send me an ASCII. I am experienced with all areas of reporting and love medical. I do not charge extra for experts. I would negotiate pricing on hearings before proofing. Please email me if you have any questions.
Laura Fowler, CSR 7054, CRR