Creed & patron saint's cards available to be sent as e-mail attachments

Forum members may now request copies of The Court Reporter's Creed and the court reporter St. Cassian of Tangiers patron saint's card be sent to them as e-mail attachments.

To request the above items as e-mail attachments, send your requests to

There are two different versions of the creed, the original version and the revised version.

The revised version contains references to CART reporters and closed captioning reporters which are not in the original version.

Please specify which version of the creed you want sent to you.

Forum members are encouraged to share the above items by forwarding them to their friends.

Online newsletter editors are invited to use the electronic files of the creed and patron saint's card in their on-line newsletters.

Thanks to all the reporters who have made both of the above projects such a success.

The appreciation for the patron saint's cards was so great that court reporters have donated over $1,600 to the Father Nadolny Good News Fund which helps people all over the world, including our troops in Iraq, victims of Hurricane Katrina and orphans who are brought to the United States by the Father Nadolny Good News Fund.

My thanks to all who have so generously supported the above projects.

Best Regards, Bill Parsons

View Court Reporters' Creeds & patron saint's card
Also view Box Lid Diagraming Filing and Inventory Control System

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Comment by Bill Parsons on August 6, 2008 at 18:20
Hi Lorraine,

St. Cassian of Tangiers was a virtually unknown patron saint of court reporting not recorded in any histories of court reporting in the United States.

He was just discovered by American reporters about three or four years ago.

To view the actual first-ever patron saint's card of court reporting and read The Catholic Transcript article about the patron saint and the making of the patron saint's card, please visit my website at

Click "patron saints" tab which is the second item down from the top on the lefthand side of the home page.

At the website you will also learn about another patron saint of court reporting, St. Cassian of Imola.

Thanks for your post.

Best Regards, Bill
Comment by Lorraine Brazil @ BrazilCo on August 6, 2008 at 17:42
Dear Bill:
How wonderful to find out we have a patron saint! Thanks for the information. It helps my faith...:)

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