Day Three - When will the drought end.

Well, this is my third day in a row of cancellations. I'm all caught up with transcripts until I get stuff back from my scopist. What am I going to do with myself? I went out to lunch and got my haircut yesterday.

Should I work on my realtime? That would be productive. Nope!!

I could spend hours on the Internet stalking my friends on CSRnation. That idea has some merit. Nah. I don't want to scare my friends away.

Take a long hot bath and enjoy the slow time. Now, that's an idea. You know as soon as I start running that bathwater, someone will call w/a last minute depo. I guess I'll start running that bathwater.

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Comment by Lois Whitley on January 25, 2008 at 9:59
Hi, Kyung,

It's raining here in the Bay Area also today. Weatherman says this is the first day of a 3-day major storm pattern here. I see you are in L.A. area. Our weather usually ends up down your way eventually. Right now, I'm busy scoping a job for one of my reporters while in my bathrobe and thought I'd take a quick look on our site to see what's new. In our business, it's either feast or famine. In down times I am organizing my tax stuff for my tax lady (Ugh!). Fun to read comments on the site; very educational and also entertaining! They really can lighten up your day!


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