I, like most people, hate getting spam. It drives me crazy!! However, recently I've noticed that when I go into my inbox, I have lots of little messages from CSRNation. So-and-so has responded to your discusion.

I admit it. I get a little twinge of excitement. And I immediately go click the link to see who has responded, what their response is. Even if there is a chain of responses and I end up reading the responses in backwards order, I can't help clicking on that link. On the most part, all the responses have been informative and/or entertaining.

But what happens is sometimes I respond to the response before I look at the whole chain of the discussion, so I end up w/some non sequitur that doesn't make any sense in the course of the "conversation".

But whatever. It's cool to see what my fellow reporters are up to, the problems and the triumphs that they're having in their everyday worklife. Do their experiences mirror mine, can it help me avoid a problem. Can I share a funny anecdote to lighten someone's day.

Keep chatting. I know I will.

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Comment by BernieB on March 5, 2008 at 21:18

There is settings, btw, so you won't know who's responding when. But, I could admit that's it's a lot more exciting knowing. In the early-mid 90s, I was so addicted to the Internet that I actually missed school -- court reporting -- because I had stayed up into the wee hours. So, yeah, I've been a recovering internet junkie. Of course, meeting transcript deadlines are a whole different story...no internet/forum getting in my way. & we all need a some type of a break.

Here's a TOAST to Kyung & the CSRNation!!! Thank you for the entertainment (& education)!!!
Comment by Kyung on February 14, 2008 at 19:27
I've got three court reporters forums and two non. Step away from the keyboard.
Comment by Brenda Rogers on February 14, 2008 at 17:41
Court reporter forum addict? I have 7 I check on a regular basis, another that emails me directly, and a couple more that I check on periodically.

I think I'm past help. Not that I'm looking for any! :)

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