I am currently in The Court Reporting Institute of Dallas with a 4.0 GPA. The software I have used is Total Eclipse but I had to sell it to go to school. I do have the full edit version of DigitalCat and the student version of CaseCATalyst. Scoping is what led me to want to become a court reporter. I have been a scopist for the past 3 years and love it! I have fast turnaround, a complete home office, excellent grammar and punctuation and can receive any kind of wav. files. Should you need to fax me exhibits or other information, no problem. If you want to know more about me then just google me under Yvette Melanson. I am "The Lost Bird" now I would love to be The Found Scopist."

The only thing I request, is that I want to scope the way YOU want your scoping done. Just let me know what you want and how you want it done and it will be per your instructions. You don't have the luxury to waste time and I am here to help you get that luxury time for yourself. Just e mail me or give me a call, my name is now Yvette LaRochelle and you can find me under the Members Page. If you would just like to keep things simple, e mail me at ylarochelle55@roadrunner.com Have a great day! :)

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Comment by Yvette LaRochelle on October 28, 2008 at 12:12
Thank you very much, that is a great idea! How would I go about posting the questionnaire?
Comment by Anthony D. Frisolone on October 28, 2008 at 11:11
Hey, Yvette, you should consider developing a questionnaire for prospective clients to fill out so they can also show you what they want.

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