I know. I know. It's the 21st century and I should be looking up everything online. But there are certain words that I just can't remember, like X ray, X-ray, and x-ray so I always go to my trusty dictionary and look it up. Actually, I've marked the spot.
I suppose I could look it up online. And I'm sure the answer would be right. But once in a while, what's on the Internet sometimes isn't right. (I know. Fancy that.)
I also like having a dictionary that I can just go and look things up in. But as I'm going to my dictionary, I realize that it's at least 15 years old. Is my dictionary too old? Language changes and new words are added. Some words that used to be hyphenated are now one word.
If you're wondering, I use Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, 10th edition. This is the dictionary that we were told to use by our school. This is the dictionary that helped me pass my qualifier. This is the dictionary that helped me pass my CSR test. But perhaps, like an old horse, I should put it out to pasture and get a new one. Or maybe, it doesn't need to be fixed if it's not broken.
What dictionary are the schools using now?
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