Is anyone having trouble getting paid for jobs obtained from CSRNation? Maybe the agencies could specify page rate and pay cycle in their blogs to everybody. There is a reason some agencies can't get jobs covered.
Most of the agencies are wonderful, but there are also some that are taking advantage.

Maybe we could post names after 45 days?

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Comment by Tricia McLaughlin on November 5, 2009 at 18:04
I've taken a few jobs from CSRNation contacts. Only ONE TIME did I have a big, big, big hassle. A few of you know about it. But 99 percent of the time there has been NO problem whatsoever. Just make sure all the facts, figures and pay schedule is addressed up front, preferably in writing like e-mail. Tricia
Comment by S. Arielle on November 5, 2009 at 16:26
That stinks. I'm so sorry that happened to you. Keep us posted on how it ends up
Comment by Rosalie DeLeonardis on November 5, 2009 at 16:20
I've only taken one job off CSRnation. Received the O&1 within 30 days as they stated, but still waiting for the copy pay, which is now 90 days and counting. The only thing that I didn't care for was they said it was a workers' comp and the page rate, but when I got there it was not workers' comp, it was a PMK (head nurse), and they still paid me the rate quoted for the WCAB. Next time I will ask if it turns out to be different than what they say I will ask for that page rate as well.
Comment by S. Arielle on November 5, 2009 at 15:58
I answered an ad from an agency in Texas and the job was great and got paid within 2 weeks...might have been earlier, but when I got back from vacation the check was waiting for me. I didn't ask for rates. I billed the going rate for the state that I worked in and told them that and they were fine with it. If they inquired, they would have seen that I was truthful in my statement. And I got the work in when they wanted it. So it's hit or miss
Comment by Diana Sasseen on November 5, 2009 at 15:38
I've received a few jobs from CSR Nation. It hasn't been long enough yet to worry about payment. But I don't take work from anyone without asking first what their rates are. I also keep every single email regarding the work...just in case.
Comment by Jennie Ann on November 5, 2009 at 15:01
I had an opposite experience. Somebody advertised that they would like to receive a job. I gave them a job. They never did the job. I mean, WTF?! Why advertise you're looking for work and then, when you geta job, you don't do the job?

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