I am curious if anyone has ever attended one of these speed building seminars? There is one coming up in a few weeks in Sacramento, and I am very curious. However, I am not sure that the money would be well spent. I am sure that he is not handing out natural talent at the door! lol

I only have seen the testimonials on his website. I am want some real life ones! Let me know!

Thanks and cheers!

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Comment by Diana Sasseen on March 8, 2009 at 17:09
We had 24 in our group. I brought my writer and laptop. You need to see what you're writing. I have a Mira, could have left my laptop at home. They did provide extension cords, power strips.
Comment by Diana Sasseen on March 7, 2009 at 19:50
Attended the M.K. seminar today in Sacramento. Worth every penny! He gives you the tools to dramatically shorten your writing - now the work begins. If I use the tools that really make sense to me, I will drastically lessen my strokes. If I go beyond what's comfortable, I could be great! Seriously.

Mark is a great guy. You can tell he really wants to share what he's worked so hard to figure out. He wants us all to be great. He is very down to earth and never makes you feel like you're beneath him. No arrogance at all, just a very hard-working reporter who has really analyzed shorthand and how to make it easier - with a lot of practice.

No wasted time either. One 15-minute break in the a.m, an hour 15 minutes for lunch (believe me, you need it at that point), and one 5-minute afternoon break.

Yes, I bought the book. I think there's enough material in it to keep me busy for the next five years.

I believe he is "gifted," but he's also very analytical and has worked very hard to come up with a way of writing that will make any reporter's job easier; but again, it's going to take time and dedication to get there.
Comment by Kelli Combs (admin) on March 4, 2009 at 21:10
Hi Natalie,
Lynn M a new member wanted you to know the following:-
"This message is for Natalie Rodriquez who was inquiring about Mark Kislingbury's seminars. I attended one a couple of years ago, and it was FANTASTIC!!! You won't be disappointed. He is an incredible human being and has so much to offer students and reporters. Attending his seminar is worth every penny you pay to attend. Oh, and, YESSSSS, your writing will improve and help you to pass speed tests more quickly. Good luck!!"

Just a heads up, I merged her blog with yours.
Comment by Natalie Rodriguez on March 4, 2009 at 12:42
I just got word from a friend that said he gives a student rate of $99 and if you get 5 or more people to go, he knocks it down to $75...

It is too late for me to get the time off work for the Sac one, but there is one in San Diego soon..I have peeps there to stay with...keep your fingers crossed!!
Comment by Tami on March 4, 2009 at 11:42

Alexis just sent me a note on my page about her getting a $50 group rate for students. Go to my page to get to her page. For $50, it's an absolute steal.
Comment by Diana Sasseen on March 4, 2009 at 10:37

I believe they do offer a student discount. You might check into that. This economy is killing me. The only reason I can rationalize this right now is we were supposed to leave for a week in Cancun tomorrow and cancelled the trip about two weeks ago. So the MK seminar is my consolation prize to myself. $299 compared to $4,000 seemed like a deal when I came up with that rationalization.

Comment by Natalie Rodriguez on March 4, 2009 at 9:57
I wanted to go, but I think it is out of my price range. It is definately something that I would love to do.... just not on this student's budget right now :(

Thanks for all the feedback!!
Comment by Diana Sasseen on March 2, 2009 at 12:29
Amazingly, I actually think it's a good thing I'm taking the CSR again. I've met quite a few people in the last year that are returning to reporting after years and years off. They've all kept their licenses. Most of them are very worried about whether they fast enough, etc. I have been practicing like a maniac for quite a while. Once I pass that stinkin' test...again....I will know that I can do it. Plus, it's really made me re-think how I write and changed a lot of my old bad writing habits. I do believe this second career will be better than ever. It's just very odd to feel like a reporter, think like a reporter, yet still need to pass that test. Without that "Certified" before "Shorthand Reporter," it just doesn't mean anything to me.

So thanks for the greeting, and I will definitely post a little review after the seminar.

Comment by Tami on March 2, 2009 at 12:05

I went to your page and read about you taking the ten-year hiatus and letting your CA CSR license expire -- EGAD!

I let my RPR expire years ago, so since I don't want to be the pot calling the kettle black -- HA! -- I'll just add I think the boot camp will be perfect for you. Let me know how you like it.
Comment by Diana Sasseen on March 1, 2009 at 13:46
I just registered for Sacramento next Saturday, the 7th. Anyone else here going? I've read nothing but rave reviews on several forums. It is a steep price for one day (and in this economy), but if I can gain even 10 more words per minute, I'll be happy.

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