I have taken the suggestion of a few CSRnation members and reviewd the suggested sites. The no copy paper suggested on these sites are what most of our officials are aleady using. To no avail, the attorneys continue to copy our work product.

I have googled various sites, some of whom basically provide the same service. I am at my witts-end. There's got to be a paper out there when copied, comes up blank and/or dark.


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Comment by maura johnson on May 10, 2009 at 8:21
Erica: I eagerly await your husband's solution.
Comment by Erica Abbott on May 10, 2009 at 7:54
My husband may have come up with the perfect solution. It is, at the moment, top secret though:D Will let you know as soon as I can!
Comment by maura johnson on May 6, 2009 at 10:24
Thanks for the info. I am using the red down the middle now. One of the attorneys lightened his copier and was able to copy and read the transcript.

We as court reporters need to join force with paper companies to come up with a solution.
Comment by Quyen on May 6, 2009 at 9:53
Hi, Maura.

The only papers that will copy dark are colored paper, and that is red and orange. Red comes out BLACK. Orange is almost black to very dark. True green also comes out very dark. But I don't know how the attorneys would feel about having colored sheets interspersed throughout their transcripts. Plus, if they get electronic copies of transcripts (I don't know if courts provide that), they're easily just printed, and the electronic copy is just e-mailed/passed around. Don't know that we'll ever find the perfect solution to this dilemma.

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