Maura johnson's Blog (6)

Electronic Signature

Hi everyone.

I am on Digicat software which does not support electronic signature.  Does anyone know how I can apply an electronic signature to my certificate page using a free software?  I hear Adobe Acrobat will do the trick, but at a cost of $395.

Thanks,  Maura


Added by maura johnson on March 15, 2013 at 12:09 — 6 Comments

Personalized Steno License Plate

Hi everyone:

Any ideas for a personalized steno plate? A co-worker told me she saw a license plate with TPUBG - U.
No profanity, please. Thanks.

Added by maura johnson on October 28, 2009 at 6:07 — 8 Comments

Steno Briefs

Anyone know of easy to remember brief for: I know, I mean, I just???

I am so tired of writing those out. I have a terrible memory when it comes to briefs.

Added by maura johnson on August 12, 2009 at 10:35 — 6 Comments

Birthday wishes

Everyone, much thanks for the birthday wishes. I needed something to cheer me up. I turned 50. I was so depressed. I am half of 100.
I celebrated my birthday this past weekend on a dinner cruise with friends and family and realized how fortunate I am. I'm alive and in good health. 50 is cool!!!

Added by maura johnson on June 1, 2009 at 9:55 — 7 Comments


I have taken the suggestion of a few CSRnation members and reviewd the suggested sites. The no copy paper suggested on these sites are what most of our officials are aleady using. To no avail, the attorneys continue to copy our work product.

I have googled various sites, some of whom basically provide the same service. I am at my witts-end. There's got to be a paper out there when copied, comes up blank and/or dark.


Added by maura johnson on May 6, 2009 at 7:57 — 4 Comments

Transcript paper that cannot be copied by attorneys

Does anyone know of paper to stop attorneys from copying transcripts?
I have tried the paper with the red down the middle. I saw one attorney copying transcript by lightening his copier. He then distributed a copy to the judge and prosecutor.

Added by maura johnson on May 5, 2009 at 5:38 — 2 Comments

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