Hey All!  I just wanted to get some input on the outlook for the scoping field.  I have been in the scoping business for 20 plus years, full-time and part-time.  I have my own scoping business.  But due to the economy downfall in the past few years, I have only been able to do it part-time, if you want to call it that.  I have since had to take a job as a legal assistant to supplement the income.  My question is:  Is there enough work out there to go back to scoping full-time, or should I not give up my day job?  Any advice would be greatly appreciated!! 


Thanks a bunch!

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Comment by Debi Rodgers on January 9, 2012 at 12:24

Thank you, thank you thank you!

Comment by Kelli Combs (admin) on January 9, 2012 at 12:08

That's what I'm on.  Great software.  You can also change the keys to any setting you want to make it easier to use.  That may be easier for you.

Comment by Debi Rodgers on January 9, 2012 at 11:44

Thanks for all the input!!  I guess I will be Eclipse bound!! 

Comment by Kelli Combs (admin) on January 9, 2012 at 10:39

Kyung has a great point.  If you upgrade to Case or Eclipse, which have way, way more users, you'll probably get more work because you appeal to a much larger audience.  You want to stay current with the latest and greatest software.  You are way more marketable that way.

Comment by Debi Rodgers on January 9, 2012 at 9:22


Comment by Kyung on January 9, 2012 at 9:13

There's someone selling an Eclipse scoping station on FaceBook for a $1000 plus you pay the transfer fee.  That's a really good deal

Comment by Debi Rodgers on January 9, 2012 at 9:09

Thanks Kyung!  Maestro is old school; that was the only system available back in the day!  I thought about branching out to other CAT systems.  Will definitely be something to think about!!

Comment by Kyung on January 7, 2012 at 6:23

I also notice that you say you use DigitalCat and Maestro.  Never heard of Maestro, but may be fewer reporters using it.

The two biggies I know are CaseCatalyst and Eclipse.  And then there are a few smaller ones like DigitalCat.  If you can afford it, you might want to branch out and pick up CaseCat or Eclipse.

Comment by Debi Rodgers on January 6, 2012 at 9:29

Thanks Kellie!  Hopefully 2012 will get better!!

Comment by Kellie Zollars on January 6, 2012 at 9:14

Hi, Debi

I think a lot of it is the economy.  The last two years have been my slowest in my 30 years of reporting.  I haven't been giving my scopist as much work either.

But business is definitely picking up in my area since the new year so you may start hearing from some of your former clients. Best of luck.

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