Keva's Comments

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At 9:49 on May 30, 2008, Nicolete said…
Remember always: The key to speedbuilding is eliminating hesitations, so get a list of high frequency words and phrases, and practice those until you master them all; usually they are briefs. Take one 5-minute dictation and practice it over and over until you can write it perfectly, then move on. This may take a day or two, but you'll find that whenever you hear any of those words and/or phrases that were in that dictation material, you'll move fast in writing them, because you know them like the back of your hand. Don't burn your self out on just one dictation, though. Sometimes you'll need to step back from it and try something else. There's so much to chose from, as far as dictation material is concerned. You have Jury Charge, Literary, Congressional, Q&A, and the list goes on. Each time you sit down to practice, have a goal in mind, and when you get up, try and have that goal completed, whether it be doing homework for an hour, practicing high frequency words for 30 minutes, theory practice for 15 minutes, etc. Also remember: Have fun and love what you're doing so that you will stay hungry for knowledge and progress rapidly.
At 9:19 on May 30, 2008, Nicolete said…

At 20:16 on May 13, 2008, Michael D. Chaney said…
Wow! Hello! You have 3 of my friends and I don't know how I missed you. So, before I bore you, let me first invite you & see if that's okay...because it may not be. Anyhow, come to my site, read all about me and read about all the advices I've given to some of your friend/students, if they haven't told you about me already, and let's see if you'll allow me the privilege of being your friend, too. Especially since YOU are in California. May I? Let me now go find the button. Until I hear from you (oh, and what a very pretty it.), Me.
At 16:16 on May 10, 2008, Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC said…

There are so many different theories out there, and I don't know what you're learning. Here's the thing for me: I can't spell. I write phonetically only. Boat has a long o sound so it's BOET for me. Both is BOT. Some may write it with the * for the th sound: BO*TH or use the -TSDZ for the th - BOTSDZ. That's too hard to stroke for me so when I want the th I use * such as death - DE*T - debt - DEBT (there's where I use it like it's spelled but it's an exception). DET is did he tell. See, it gets complicated. I recommend going for the sound. However, my sister, April, hears the au sound quite a bit so that's what she strokes. Stock is STOK for me, but for April it's STAUK. Most CAT systems would translate a misstroke of STOK for me, but they may not easily translate a misstroke of STAUK. I'm mainly talking about Eclipse's translation magic feature. Do you ever check out the forum here?

There's a great student section over there. Bev Thomas, who is on this site as well, has some great advice for students. Post on her page and tell her Jenny sent you!
At 10:26 on May 9, 2008, Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC said…
Hi, Keva,

Do you ever go over to They have a fantastic forum with a section on forum theory. I have learned so much from it! When did you start school? Are you actually out of theory yet? I'll be here for a while, then out to do errands, then back. Tell me more about yourself when you get a chance.
At 19:02 on May 8, 2008, Javari Judon said…
Hi I just was coming through to show love to a newer court reporting student. It is hard, but don't let it intimidate you.
At 17:50 on May 8, 2008, Nicolete said…
Hello... Just wanted to introduce myself. I'm available if you should have any questions about school and what to expect.
At 18:30 on April 27, 2008, DivaCRStudent said…
BTW, that's a nice picture of you and your son. Good luck with the program.
At 22:07 on April 20, 2008, DivaCRStudent said…
One more thing, what made you decide to switch careers and go into court reporing?
At 21:43 on April 20, 2008, DivaCRStudent said…
I enjoyed working at a firm. I learned a lot. I don't think it it hard to get a job as a court reporter in California, especially in the Bay Area.
At 8:01 on April 17, 2008, DivaCRStudent said…
I use to live in Berkeley, but I'm in Stockton for school. Don't get me wrong, I do want to take the RPR and the CRR and eventually the mother of them all -- the RMR. I was at a point in my life where everything was (still kinda is) chaotic and so I wanted a program with some structure to it for speedbuilding and so here I am. I would like to be able to get a job in California right out of school, instead of having to take the RPR to qualify to take the CSR. I plan to take them together, and I will definately be using CRAH's academics for the RPR.

Feel free to ask me any questions about CRAH. I worked for a court reporting agency while I trained myself with CRAH, so I know a little of the behind the scenes business of deposition reporting.
At 21:20 on April 16, 2008, DivaCRStudent said…
Hi, Keva,

I learned the CRAH Theory too! I was one of her featured students. Love it. I decided to go to a school because I don't want to have my RPR to qualify to take the CSR exam. You keep it up! What part of Cali are you from? I'm from the Bay. So, what made you decide about going into court reporting?

At 21:12 on April 14, 2008, KJM said…
Wow! Halfway through theory in a month! My theory took 2 quaters to complete. That is awesome!!! I go to a b&m school in Stockton, CA. I am in the 120-140 class. It's been a year now since I started theory. I love it! It is very challenging. I really admire you students who are doing this online. I may have to switch to online myself if my husband gets a promotion soon. I have three kids and daycare is definitely NOT in the budget. It will be hard to devote myself to my studies if I have to go the online route -- my kids keep me quite busy! Please tell me about your online program -- are ou able to set your own time for your classes? How are you tested? Thanks in advance for the info and keep up the great progress!!
At 20:07 on April 14, 2008, KJM said…
Hi Keva. I am a student, too. What school are you attending? What speed are you at?
At 13:56 on April 12, 2008, Michelle said…
Hi Keva, you'll find all you ever need to know about your new career here, it's a great place and full of interesting and helpful people. The people here are very gracious with their time and knowledge and will help you all they can.
At 9:34 on March 2, 2008, Kelli Combs (admin) said…
A warm welcome from CSRnation, thanks for joining.
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