Nancy Wallace's Comments

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At 18:43 on August 10, 2009, Joseph Haddad said…
Hi, Nancy - Thanks for the greeting. Sorry for getting back so late (better late than never). I am figuring out how to use this this site am catching up. Hope you are staying busy. Looking forward to a future opportunity to work together.

At 12:14 on April 16, 2009, Kim Gibney said…
Nancy, I am in the process of choosing my professional software. I am currently on the Stenocat student version. I've been shown a few of the bells and whistles on Case. Can you tell me a couple of things you really love about Stenocat? I am leaning toward Stenocat because of the price to get up and running in it. I don't want to base my decision on that alone. :) I would be grateful for any advice you have. Thanks, Kim
At 13:22 on March 18, 2008, Tim Brunk said…
Just wondering how the SUN convention in San Francisco went? Still hoping to catch up with you guys in Las Vegas.
At 0:02 on March 10, 2008, Tim Brunk said…
Just dropping by to say hey...
At 13:32 on February 20, 2008, Diane Sonntag said…
We're flying into Oakland Wednesday night...going back Saturday night. I was really hoping to do the wine tour on Sunday but just too much work to do. :( The baby is my new grandson...born Christmas Eve. Christopher Kennedy, Jr. We just got back from seeing him this weekend. Great photos btw in your album!
At 23:00 on February 19, 2008, Renee Bencich said…
Hi Nancy, I didn't get an e-mail from CSR Nation when you left me your message on Valentine's Day. I hope you had a nice one! How are you?
At 19:14 on February 19, 2008, Diane Sonntag said…
Hi, Nancy! Love your ocean pic. Can't wait to see you and Paula in's the weather btw?

At 23:23 on February 12, 2008, Lorrie L. Marchant said…
I think that the adventures get curbed greatly for a number of years post-kiddos. But it's well worth it! I always envisioned just toting the kid(s) along. But that hasn't happened in my case at least. Soon they'll both be old enough to start doing a lot more things. But when you're flying you've got the extra expense of the seat(s) for the kid(s) and so much more to think about and do in order to keep them happy, comfortable and entertained.
I'm the breadwinner, the mommy, the wife, the bill payer, the appointment maker, the vacation planner, the grocery shopper, the laundry doer.....
Yep, gotta work pretty much full time. I do utilize a full-time scopist and proofreader though.
At 5:09 on February 10, 2008, Kurt said…
Hi Nancy, good to hear from you. We've been pretty busy. Regular juggling act of two kids, work and trying to have a personal life. It's great you're still mountain biking! Our bikes are packed with mothballs somewhere in the shed.
At 21:40 on February 4, 2008, Corey Anderson said…
Doing well, thanks. How's Sacramento doing?
Are yoy working there, or off? Off sounds nicer to
me more and more.
Take care
At 22:21 on January 22, 2008, Rick Louie said…
WOW!!! That is awesome! Look at all that work you did on those photos! Captioned and everything! GREAT JOB NANCY!
At 19:54 on January 22, 2008, Sherry Ruschell said…
Are you talking about the parachuting one? I don't even have that. It's great.
At 19:43 on January 22, 2008, Sherry Ruschell said…
Hey, at least somebody really likes my transcript; doubles as a bed. Let's hope Abbey never gets introduced to sushi. She would like it. She's a nut!
At 11:40 on January 22, 2008, Laura Fowler said…
Are you working more now? How's your mom?
At 11:39 on January 22, 2008, Laura Fowler said…
Since I used to live/work in the Bay Area I won't be doing the dinner. Jeannette says we'll probably go out with friends that nite. Can't make it Thurs because I have to cover something in Modesto. I thought about going for half day, but with kids' activities, it's probably best I don't. I'll still drive over Thurs nite. See you then.
At 11:27 on January 22, 2008, Sherry Ruschell said…
Those pictures bring back memories. I put us there too, as you can see. I don't know if I was able to get it on my page or not. I was doing something wrong, I think. I'll keep trying. I'm not working today either and I'm caught up. I need to work on music actually.
At 10:59 on January 22, 2008, Sherry Ruschell said…
It snowed on Sat. so both matches were postponed. Sunday was freezing but we did play. At least we won. Foot's okay for now. I'm going to try to put that picture on. You know I'm a little technically challenged.
At 10:33 on January 22, 2008, Laura Fowler said…
Hi Nancy,
Hope all is going well with you too. Are you planning on going to the SC convention? I believe I'm going Fri/Sat. Jeannette S and I are friends so we're commuting together as I'll stay near her.
At 10:28 on January 22, 2008, Angela Alvarado said…
Hello Nancy,
No, I've never lived or attended seminars in NorCal. I'm a born and raised "Valley Girl".

At 9:32 on January 22, 2008, Joseph Haddad said…
Hi, Nancy!

Joe from The Souza Group

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