Hi, all!  Just wondering if anyone might have a suggestion for a good PDF editing program. I got an iMac computer today, so I'm trying to make sure it's something compatible with that, to state the obvious.  Two of my clients have been asking if I can use something like Adobe or iAnnotate (even though I know that's just for iPads) to correct work.  In terms of specifics, I'm definitely looking for something that will allow me to highlight in addition to typing in small notes, etc.  Any help would be greatly appreciated!  Thanks in advance. :)

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Replies to This Discussion

I'm a fan of Annotate PDF by iSkySoft.  How-To and Download here: https://www.iskysoft.com/edit-pdf/annotate-pdf-mac.html

This is the second suggestion I've gotten for this program.  I'll definitely be looking into it.  Thank you!!

Hi Christina. On my Mac laptop, I just use Preview that comes preloaded on the computer. It has a lot of the same functionality of iAnnotate (minus the convenient stamps), and you don't have to buy other software. I think it would be enough to at least try it out and get you started until you can invest in something you'd rather later on.

Hi Chelsea, I actually have been using Preview for the last 3 months or so.  It does have a few quirks that I've noticed, but overall, it gets the job done!  Thank you for the reply. :)

Oh yeah, I just saw that this discussion was from January. Whoops! Anyway, glad that's worked out for you. Have a great day!

Haha!  That's okay.  Suggestions are welcome any time.  There's no bad time for helpful input.  You have a great day as well!

Another program would be PDF-XChange Editor.  The free version has most of the normal annotation features you would use, but if you want to flatten the annotations, you must get the Pro version.  The Pro version is $43.50.  To download the free version, go here:  https://www.tracker-software.com/product/pdf-xchange-editor

Thank you for the suggestion, Abda!  I'll definitely check it out.  :)

No problem! :)

Hi, Christina.

I'm a bit late to this discussion, but some time back, I found a free program for the Mac called "Skim."

It takes a bit of getting used to, but you can underline stuff, circle words as necessary, add notes, etc.

One issue I ran into the first time I used it was when I e-mailed my "finished" transcript to the reporter I was proofing for, she said there were no marks!

Turns out that you have to have Skim to see those proofing marks.

Thankfully, though, I figured out a way around that.

When you're done marking up the transcript, print the whole thing, and select "Save as PDF." That way, the reporter gets all of your notes and corrections!

Finally, as a complete non-artist, I have trouble drawing a straight line with a mouse, so I made a feature request to have the program allow you to hold down a key as you're drawing that line so you can have a line that's actually straight.

Looks like they're going to make that change.

... and welcome to the Mac!

Good news --!

They added my feature request!

Bad news, you kind of need a mouse to do it properly, and I loaned my mouse to my ex-girfriend a few days back, leaving myself with a track pad.

So to draw a straight line line Skim, I have to press the Option key with my toe, and use both hands on the track pad. :\

It works, though, so that's something.

Wow, good news!  It's always great to have program options.  Sounds like this one is giving you a bit of a workout! ;-)


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