Hi! I've been in school for about a year. I'm attempting to pass my 100 WPM right now. Any tips, advice, practice habits would be greatly appreciated.

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No one is doubting your intelligence, Cassandra. I find it kind of sad, to tell you the truth, that you need to go so far as to actually list your IQ. And while your accomplishments in non-reporting fields are certainly impressive, they don't necessarily translate to the reporting field. It seems again sad that you need to be seen as authoritative so much that you provide some kind of curriculum vitae to try to substitute for experience.

From what I've seen, instead of the states of your intelligence and education, the thing that sets people off about you is rather your presentation.

One, you tend to state opinions as facts. That can be very irresponsible depending on the subject matter and the audience, especially when those opinions are not supported by experience.

Two, you seem not to have learned yet that there is a way to disagree with people that still allows self-respect for all.

IMO, respect for all makes for much happier people.
I’m another student whom Tami has helped with her encouragement to write short. I was at 140 when we met. I started passing tests 60 wpm above that, less than a year later. I never thought that would happen since it doesn’t usually happen in schools these days, plus I have to work. Without a doubt, Tami’s suggestions for shortening my writing à là Stenomaster principles and encouragement to write shorter has helped me tremendously.

I learned my theory very well until I knew it cold. I still feel very solid in my theory. I actually like practicing unfamiliar material where I must write things out for uncommon words. But for common words and phrases, shortening my writing has helped me so much, and not just through memorization of hundreds of briefs. Tami never said I should switch theories. Rather, she introduced some principles that I can apply to a lot of words and phrases to shorten my writing, which has undoubtedly increased my speed. I’m sure there are other students not mentioned here that she has helped greatly because her methods work.
Wow, Trina, you're right. Cassandra deleted that post where she attacked me personally instead of addressing my point. Think I'll start quoting posts now when I respond, so anyone reading me knows what the heck I'm talking about.

Cassandra said at about 8:00 a.m. July 30:
Lisa, this discussion is to help Tina pass her 100. You've not contributed to the discussion at all. Your only purpose for being on here is to follow me around this site and criticize me. You're being a stalker. It's creepy.

Since you seem to have missed my contribution to the discussion, let me break it down for you: It was to point out the differing levels of experience behind the differing opinions, and it was a direct response to a direct question by Tina. Most people think experience levels are important when advice is being sought; i.e., choosing an older doctor instead of one right out of medical school, etc. You know?

And your latest personal attack on me here is certainly harsh, but it doesn't serve you well in your argument, because it only draws attention to the fact that you are still not addressing the issue I raised.

As I've said before, I think you have a lot to offer. Maybe just not in the way you are currently trying for? It's something to think about.
Just back from a wonderful vacation to Seattle and catching up on the posts that haven't been deleted . . .

Even though I apologized to Tina on her page before I left, I want to do it here, too. It was wrong of me to hijack Tina's thread. I do apologize again, Tina, and I am here to help you on your journey, if you need me. I think it's an awesome trip!

Lisa, I appreciate the voice of reason. You have a wonderful style about you.

And, Patty, you know I'm in your corner, and I so appreciate you, the shy girl, sticking your neck out for me like you did. It was unnecessary and unexpected but just so sweet!

To the CSR and beyond!


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