I have recently discovered that the translation using my new LS on my 1GB HP is far superior to my translation with my Dell Inspiron, which has only 256 MB of RAM. Is anyone getting an improvement in their translation going from a 1GB to a 2? There's a new poll over at depoman.com. Please pop in and post your gigs. It's in the LSAA - LightSpeed Addicts Anonymous - folder.

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Also see the thread titled FYI, which explains why you need at least 2G of RAM on your computer.


I remember seeing a link to LS configuration downloads that was posted at the Depoman site, but the site is currently not accessible. If I remember, I think your configuration was one of those that were listed. Anyway, would you mind sending me a link to the download, or, if it's easier, just e-mail me your configuration?
You can e-mail it to grchng@sbcglobal.net. I would really appreciate your help.

Grace, I sent you a regular e-mail. If you didn't get it, check your spam folder. Here's the download site: http://www.alcra.org/downloads/configs.html

Here's Greta's blog: http://myredlightspeed.blogspot.com/


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