"Would It Have Been Easier to Have Become a Brain Surgeon?"

I read this article, http://ncraonline.org/NewsInfo/JCR/2008/0804/0408_student_reporter.htm, and it send shivers down my spine. If I had read this article before starting on the journey of becoming a court reporter I would have turned tail and run. Are the schools doing a dis-service to students telling future students they can be court reporters in two years? What is the average time for a student to finish court reporting school? Should schools tell students that the normal graduating rate is one out of ten students will graduate and enter the profession? If a school tells a student it should only take two years to graduate, and the student takes five or more years to graduate, should the school continue to charge the high tuition rate or should there be a set amount the student will paid for tuition even if it takes longer to graduate?

I am wondering what others think about the article.



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I went to Alfred State and they are up front. 2-5 years, it can take. 80% drop out there. BUT the only way you fail is to quit! :)

The ratio does not really take into account the ones who take longer than 5! I know some who did graduate and are working after that long. Mostly if they had a hectic life along with school,, less time to practice. Your practice habits are VERY key to when you graduate. And some 'do' have a natural ability. But practice is 'key' IMHO.

You are in a 'class'...I believe some schools have a limit as to how many times you can 'take' a class, whatever your degree program....but you should have to pay, I think, as you are taking the 'time' with teachers/etc same as other students.

I repeated one machine class three times (the next to the last one). Yup, paid. I was not practicing 'as' hard for it tho, so I know it was 'me' who was at fault; hence I paid for it, lol. But then got stubborn and wanted to get out. Focused on 'my' writing and not so much finding briefs and shortcuts and buckled down again and went thru my theory again, WHILE taking classes.

If a person wants this bad enough, I think they can get it. :)
what has happened in California is a lot of ex-students that never finished the program complained to the Department of Consumer Affairs, and I think there has also been a few lawsuits filed, although I'm not positive about that. Now students have to sign a document called "Things to Know and Consider." I didn't get it until qualifiers, so of course I wasn't about to quit then. If you want to read it you can find it at courtreportersboard.ca.gov

The public school I went to was much more honest than the private school. I think two to five years is a reasonable estimate if you are putting the time in on the machine. The private school I started at stopped charging after three years, which probably has a lot to do with why they went out of business. If you can find a public school, do it. I know plenty of women $20,000 in debt who never became reporters.

But you can do it if you put in the time. You need to be on that machine five hours a day to do it in a shorter amount of time.


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