Rhoda Collins
  • Female
  • Rochester, NY
  • United States
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Rhoda Collins's Friends

  • Tanya Klein
  • Kate Allen
  • Linda Schumann
  • Veronica Kubat
  • Erica Abbott
  • Dustin Hanna - Exclusive Litigation Support
  • Hannah Klasen
  • Ellen Sandles
  • Anthony D. Frisolone
  • Javari Judon
  • April McMillan, CRR, RPR, CSR
  • Michelle
  • Debi Patsis
  • Jennifer Crawford
  • April Floyd

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Rhoda Collins's Discussions

Do CRs need an LLC? What does everyone do for liability?
7 Replies

Started this discussion. Last reply by Rhoda Collins May 8, 2009.

Exhibits placed in with transcripts...anyone offer this to atty's??
8 Replies

Started this discussion. Last reply by Rhoda Collins Jul 19, 2008.

How do we swear in a sign language interpretur?
4 Replies

Started this discussion. Last reply by Lynnette G. Gertz Jun 10, 2008.


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My Place to share....

Danny at 7yrs old...I was 26, lol.

My DS got married in October of 2007! I added the water, as the creek had dried up and she was disappointed about that. I love digital photography, lol.

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Rhoda Collins's Blog

Got to Disney in June and it was awesome!

I loved it too! I got to chat with Prince Caspian (above) also and was tongue tied, lol. I love Narnia!

Posted on July 29, 2009 at 19:31 — 7 Comments

Fashion show

Our niece was Master of Ceremonies at her college fashion show. This was the best pic of the evening, I felt! Look at the lighting! The contrasts are SO smooth! Such a nice composition! Has NOTHING to do w/the subjects! (LOL)

Posted on April 30, 2009 at 6:26 — 9 Comments

Back of my Grand....

here's my backend, lol!

And the back scene of my key area....

Posted on April 21, 2009 at 17:00 — 5 Comments

Fun photo shoot

Did some model portfolio pics. Had fun with these. Here's my fav...

Posted on March 17, 2009 at 5:30 — 2 Comments

Pic of me on my Grand....

This is how I use it....

Posted on March 9, 2009 at 11:09 — 5 Comments

Gemini Grand pic

This is a sweet machine! Jason has done it this time! Have used models since Gemini2 and I think he has it SO perfect on the Grand!

Posted on February 4, 2009 at 6:28 — 13 Comments

Gemini Revolution Grand is great!

Just got it and am testing it out. Writing with steno keys, LOL. It has the best touch! ! ! I thought the Revolution was good, but this is even better! Will do pictures soon. . . .

Posted on January 30, 2009 at 11:43 — 5 Comments

Wedding shoot yesterday....14hr day!

Was SUCH a long day! I backed-up the main shooter, but got some very nice ones myself. Alpine, NY, which is SO beautiful! Near Watkins Glen. Beautiful couple too!

Posted on September 19, 2008 at 14:25 — 5 Comments

Home from Allegany State Park camping trip

This is a hawk we saw on a live Raptor talk. A few owls and falcons also. This one was beautiful tho! He hunts with the man showing him.

Posted on August 10, 2008 at 18:16 — 2 Comments

My daugher's new pet

On Thursday, I worked from 10 am to 5:30pm and had an hour drive home. My MIL picked up Abby from the sitter's. She had her 'pet' with her, lol. So I gave in and Googled snails and we have a new pet. Coconut likes bananas! Isn't that funny? I need to get turnips and see if she goes for those. We call her 'she' but snails are he/she's, lol. I should have been working on trannys today but ended up taking… Continue

Posted on July 26, 2008 at 18:30 — 4 Comments

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At 13:55 on December 3, 2009, Christy Heaney said…
Hello, Rhonda! I am a semi-new Case Catalyst scoist. I am located in Columbus, Ohio. However, I have Internet capabilities and I have a secure ftp site that you can upload your Catalyst files, with the audio. That system will send me an email when you upload something and I can download the file directly to my computer. I can then either email the file back to you without the audio or I can upload it back to the ftp site for you to download.

I have worked for a local court reporting firm for nine and a half years as the production manager. I print the transcripts and handle obtaining the witness' signatures. Right now, I am scoping on a part-time basis, in the evenings and on weekends. I would like to have enough clientele to be able to scope full-time by the spring. Even though I am working on a part-time basis, I am very capable of meeting your deadlines.

I would certainly love to talk to you about this opportunity. Please let me know if you need any scoping help. You can either email me at christy4jafra@yahoo.com or feel free to give me a call. My cell phone number is 614-332-3185. I have that with me all the time.

Thank you,

Christy M. Heaney
At 18:01 on August 3, 2009, April McMillan, CRR, RPR, CSR said…
Thanks again. I love lots of backups so I'm going to get the tablet pkg.
Better safe than sorry :)

At 17:24 on August 3, 2009, April McMillan, CRR, RPR, CSR said…
Thanks, Rhoda, you did make sense:) I think I'm going to have to get the whole pkg just for the bk/up capabilities. I wish the Grand had built-in memory or an SD memory card slot. Oh well.

Thanks for the help,

At 16:06 on August 3, 2009, April McMillan, CRR, RPR, CSR said…
Hi Rhoda,

I've been talking w/Jason about buying the Gemini Grand by itself or getting the Court PKg, with the computer-attachment. I'm going to be using Bridge to RT and I bought 2 Acer 11.6" Netbooks. I was thinking of just getting the machine alone and using Bluetooth to hook up to my laptop. But this machine has no backups. I would, though, have the job file and the backup file thru Eclipse on my laptop. Is your computer-attachment working ok or do they typically have problems? Veronica Kubat came over and showed me all of her equipment and said she did have problems with hers and even ended up getting a new one. There's a $1500 difference between buying just the machine or buying the pkg. I'm going to buy the Stenocast, too, and the flash drives for LiveNote(1) and Bridge (2). I also just bought an Olympus DS-40 digital voice recorder as an audio backup.
This RT business is expensive!
Can I get your opinion, please, on the machine alone vs. the pkg.

Thanks so much,

At 9:42 on July 31, 2009, Kyung said…
Just started a new group called Technolust. Come drool with us.
At 17:02 on July 29, 2009, Linda Schumann said…
Awesome may be an understatement. I'm really just getting around to really exploring it and taking this study/career path serious. Was too taken up with closing out my career with Philips, healing a darned serious injury, and trying to make my fingers go where I want them to go on the stenowriter (I'm still working on the last 2!) It's thanks to you for recommending it...probably wouldn't have discovered it for a while.
At 6:45 on June 16, 2009, Erica Abbott said…
Well hello there:) FL in a couple days! Bet you are psyched!! I just put some new pics of our wedding up. Thought you might be interested seems how you are Miss Photographer:)

I am going to get the Cannon Rebel XSI for my husband for Christmas and some classes. Have any opinions on that camera?

I am also extremely interested in starting a little wedding consultant business. I just absolutley love doing all that stuff, and I planned every aspect of mine to a T. Plus, I don't mind doing the projects myself to save someone money. That's what I did!
At 8:51 on June 1, 2009, Erica Abbott said…
OKay.... so I'm supposed to be really slow this week:) You got any day at all?
At 18:47 on May 20, 2009, Erica Abbott said…
I am thinking of using STPW and stacking those together to make the positives of those phrases. lol. I am going to experiment tomorrow and see what I come up with. Thanks for helping though. lol. I thought we learned phrases for that, but it was a few years ago. So I might have made that up;) lol
At 10:44 on May 20, 2009, Erica Abbott said…
haha. Sorry. I'm not very clear. lol. As in "I do have" "I did know" "I would have" etc.

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