Just got it and am testing it out. Writing with steno keys, LOL. It has the best touch! ! ! I thought the Revolution was good, but this is even better! Will do pictures soon. . . .

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Comment by Jason Pardikes on January 31, 2009 at 18:01
Jenny is right I do have a page but I can say I don't use it like I should. But I can help if you ask or you can Email me at jasonp@geminiwriter.com.

I am glad you all seem to be liking it. The Revolution Grand, or Grand for short has the lightest touch of any traditional machine by at least 30% lighter, it's very adjustable from long to super short, and offers force and individual sensitivity adjustment.

To answer some of the posts.

Stacking will not be an issue with a properly adjusted machine. Our all optical design and left to right hand timing prevent that. Now this is not to say you won't ever stack, but it means the machine wont be adding extra stacking to your writing by its self.

We do find however most users coming from traditional machines, Stentura's, Mira's, Smart Writers, Etc. Need to make the machine less sensitive from the get go.

All of our Revoluiton Grand machines have Class one Dual Bluettoth (wireless) built in and included in the standard pricing. Class one means you get the most reliable BT connection available and up to 300ft of range, and Dual means that you can connect the writer to two separate computers at the same time. This is Great for Cart, daily transcript work, and gives you the ability to Run both the UMPC and the Laptop at the same time.

With our Gold and Silver packages which use the UMPC you do get Audio, recording as well as the ability to run your CAT software directly on the Machine.

All of the writers listed on the site are the new Grand's even though for short we used just the Revolution and Evolution names.

The Grand is a Traditional lever designed machine, but offers many improvements over traditional machine, including the ultimate in adjustability, the low friction keys, all optical, super light touch, UMPC/ Run your CAT software directly on the machine, do litigation support from your UMPC, etc. I would be happy to answer any more questions you have. Just let me know what you want to know, or think you might want to know.

Oh yeah and it works with every major CAT software. And Comes in over 30 colors.

Jenny be nice to our site. :) Its our little neglected child right now, while we work hard on the Grands that are going out to people. But we will catch up, I promise. :)

Comment by Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC on January 31, 2009 at 9:06
Heather, the website is pretty lacking in info, but the owner, Jason Pardikes, is on this site. You may want to leave him a comment, and he'll get back to you, I'm sure!
Comment by Heather on January 30, 2009 at 22:26
I don't see the Grand on their website, only the gold and silver package of the regular Revolution.. which are both listed as the same price, oddly. What's different on the Grand? Are all of you using it with the tablet pc? I think I would prefer to use my laptop and have some kind of backup on the machine, not the tablet, but they don't list a package like that. I'm taking the CA CSR next month and am in the market for a new machine, so I'd love any info you guys could give me!
Comment by Kyung on January 30, 2009 at 21:19
Does it have stacking issues? Does it have built-in audio? What about blue tooth capability, i.e., wireless?
Comment by Stephanie P Borthwick on January 30, 2009 at 15:42
I agree! I love mine. Still tweaking a couple of keys, but it's amazing.

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