Does everyone 'not' do a Parenthetical for this? Another CR at my firm was just asking about this and I just take it for 'granted' that no, we don't have ourselves 'in' the record 'asking' for the repeat.

So, if we are 'verbatim,' why don't we do it? Thanks.


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Thanks, Kelli.
I only put myself in when it would make the transcript confusing if I don't. Does that make sense?
What Kelli said. We're not part of the record. At most, I'll use (Discussion off the record) when I pop in unless it's a CYA situation. As Kelli said, no one cares that we clarified a word; they want to be able to get the testimony and read it in an understandable fashion. I'd never clutter up the record with my "Excuse me?" comments.
But that reporter might have wanted to cover her butt bec. the accent was thick to show that she did clarify on the record especially if it was really bad.

I've put myself in after an inaudible after I asked for a clarification and did not get one and I had to put inaudible in the record. Actually, it was probably a more unintelligible.

If I had gotten a clarification that I could put in smoothly w/out disrupting the flow of the record, I would and no parenthetical. But since I had to put the inaudible, I wanted to show that I did ask for a clarification and was ignored. Fancy that. They ignored the reporter.
If it's video'd, yes. And then it's only a parenthethical, not my exact words. I don't think they actually care that I said, "Excuse me, could you repeat that?" Just a trail off of the witness, then a (Reporter clarification.), then the response from the witness.

Otherwise, what Kelli said.


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