In California timestamping can only be used at certain times (there was a problem with it being used to pad all transcripts.) One of those times is for videotaped depos, which makes sense for syncing, etc.

I have had attorneys specifically ask me to use the timestamping with video, but I'm wondering if people always timestamp videotaped depos or only timestamp when requested or ask at the time of each videotaped depo.

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There are a few CA reporters that are STILL trying to get away with timestamping transcripts, even though they're not video'd.

I've sync'd video to tripts before and timestamping is not necessary, at least with the software that I used (from RealLegal). I never timestamp my tripts and do not like reporters that work for me to timestamp tripts unless it was specifically requested by the attorney. Maybe I'm just incompetent at loading tripts into E-Tran, but timestamping NEVER comes out correctly the first time. Just too many variables and too much a waste of my time to fool with.


Different agencies have different policies on this. You might ask before you go. And if the attorneys want it, no problem.

I don't time-stamp unless the agency or the attorneys specifically request it, though.

Blessings, Cathryn
I don't understand--how does timestamping pad transcripts? Doesn't on mine--not one character added.

It's been my experience that no one wants to see it, really--especially the videographer who's going to sync (apparently it messes up that process if I have timestamps on my ASCII file). There is one firm I do work for that wants a timestamped file and a nontimestamped file for every job--no padding there, either. Other than that, I never bother with it.
It's definitely a big pad on my transcripts, thus the reason I was asking if people do it automatically on videos or still ask. I just gave me a hmm feeling. I definitely do not like even slightly feeling iffy when it comes to ethics.

We are required to have 56 characters (I think - my template is set to California standards so I don't even check what the exact numbers are) per line unless it's timestamped in which case you must have something like 52. Depending on the length of the depo it can add multiple pages. For example, the job I am doing right now is 209 pages without timestamp and 222 with.

I think I'll treat it like ordering a copy and ask at the time of the depo. If they say yes, yeah! I get more pages. If not, I haven't taken advantage of anyone.
I only timestamp videos when the agency tells me to do it or if the attorney specifically requests it.

But just in case, I always ask the videographer for the time that he has on his video so that my computer is exactly the same, just in case they request later for the timestamping.
Item: In a California depo that is NOT videotaped, all attorneys present must stipulate to the use of timestamping.

Blessings, Cathryn
I always sync the time to the cell phone time which is the most accurate and I ask the videographer to do the same. == ok, back to work. :)
I think you have to sync it before you start writing and the timestamp goes in the transcript because I don't think you can change the timestamp after the job is done --- If you know what I mean....don't know if I'm saying it correctly.
Ditto for me -- I only add in timestamps when required by agency or counsel. There are still a couple of agencies out there that *encourage* reporters to timestamp every job, even the nonvideo jobs, although that topic seems to have faded out in the past couple of years, so . . .

FYI, there is a software program that some agencies use (not sure what it's called) that overrides (manipulates) the reporter's timestamping. Syncing time with video is great, but it can still be "wiped out" by the agency using this program and they'll add in/revise the times. I get requests from some agencies to leave out my timstamps -- they're going to add them in later to match what the videographer has. (?) Maybe someone out here who works in a large firm production department can add further details here. (?)

FWIW, I just adjusted a 130-page transcript (rough form) from 56 characters per line down to 52 characters. It added 7 more pages.

My video depo from yesterday was 287 pages in rough form at 56 characters per line. I just adjusted it down to 52 characters, it is now 305 pages in rough form.
As per the code 2473(3)

"Timestamping may only be printed on a transcript under any of the following circumstances:

A) when a deposition is videotaped
B) when requested by counsel on the record, or
C) when a transcript will have not less than 56 characters per line"

So in other words, if you're doing a video job it's appropriate. If your client wants it, give it to them.
As long as you're consistent everything will be fine.

For me I ALWAYS timestamp a video job, I don't even ask them.
I just talked to Connie Conkle about the minimum transcript standards. And I asked her if "may" meant it was an option. She said no, it's not an option. It should be on every videotaped depo transcript.
I always timestamp videotaped depositions.


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