Coming from a Stentura LX MANY years, having definite trouble adjusting to Diamante.
Getting ALOT more "shadow" letters than prior, as well as stacking. Haven't found the stroke-depth/tension adjustments to get me as fast and clean as pre Diamante after a few weeks already. The posted comments are very helpful, though. Stenograph advised as deep a stroke and strongest tension as possible to cure problems,but even that isn't cleaning things up. if I'm going to have to work hard to adjust my writing style, I might as well do it and get the benefit of the "easy-glide" feel the Diamante can provide at the short/light settings. Seem logical?
PS even if I can never recoup my glory days of Clean and Fast, I don't think I can give up the Diamante's weight, look, display, etc.

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Hi, D. I wrote alternately on a Stylus and a Stentura LX for quite a few years before the Diamante. Interestingly, I have no shadow letters, and I'm straining to see a stacking stroke. I just don't see them. I have both stroke depth and tension set a couple clicks back from the lowest on each one. There should be absolutely no reason for you to adjust your writing style on the Diamante! I guess I don't understand that. However, if you want to keep the settings on the absolutely shortest stroke (like writing on a tabletop), and lightest touch (fingers hovering over the keys may ... MAY ... produce an unintended stroke), yes, that might require you to change the way you write. But even with the 5-click choices for depth and tension, surely you can find the setting that's right for you without a huge amount of adjustment, or wishing for something else, or changing your writing style. For me ... just me, now ... the TOUCH is the big seller for the Diamante. The weight, look and display are just added bonuses.

I guess my individual keystroke adjustments on my Stentura were compensating for some lazy fingers that you never had. You are using two clicks from shortest stroke depth and two clicks from lightest resistance? I don't know what you mean by 5-click choices. I've got about 5 choices on stroke depth and about 12 clicks on the tension wheel.??
Hi, D. I'm not sure there are supposed to be 12 clicks on the tension wheel. I believe there should be the same number of clicks on each side, tension and depth. Yes, mine is about 2 clicks back from the lightest/shortest. Make sure you have the adjustments set to a definite "click," and not somewhere in between. That might possibly be the problem.

i'll check thanks
Hi, Mary Ann,

I'm trying to decide what machine is best for me. I've been on a 400SRT throughout school. Having just graduated, I'm looking at making some serious purchases. I really want the Diamante, but I'm afraid that going from a writer with paper to a paperless writer may be too much for me to handle. What are your thoughts on how easy it would be to adjust?

My inclination would be to not make any major changes while you're trying to get your first couple years experience under your belt - I'm way old school, though. I'd also be a little concerned about losing touch with your steno output before the process of reading directly from your notes is a virtual way of life. I'm not familiar with the 400SRT at all, though and I'm OLD. I'd like to hear other's ideas too.
Corina, I've written paperless for many years now, even on the Stentura and Stylus that required a paper tray. I threw them away ten years ago! There was a small adjustment to back the keys off the platen to write paperless, but it didn't affect the touch at all. If you're writing on a more traditional machine, with paper, of course it's going to be nerve-wracking to go paperless. But that's just a mental adjustment, right? You really, REALLY need to get hands-on with the Diamante sometime and just see how it feels to you. To cover the bases of the comments I've seen recently, yes, the case IS very light. But that's one of the draws of the machine, the light weight. It is by no means cheap, in cost or in function. That's my opinion. Also, if you like the light touch/short stroke combination, the Diamante is definitely for you.

I will commend you, and highly, for "making serious purchases" after you've graduated. In fact, the tools of our trade are critically important, and that's one area where we just should not scrimp and try to save a few bucks.

Best of luck to you, Cornia!

Thanks for the feedback and suggestions. I had my 400SRT adjusted a long time ago to have an extremely shallow stroke. I don't know how anyone ever gets out of school when they're writing on a machine with a deep stroke -- and no keypads, may I add -- but I'm sure it's done all the time.

I agree that it's all mental when going paperless. I am not the neatest of writers, especially since I've been pushing to pass tests to graduate; however, I've noticed that my notes are getting much cleaner ever since I've been practicing to Magnum Steno. I'm not as afraid as I used to be of the thought of going paperless. I've even started transcribing tests by trying to just go off of my notes on the computer and not relying so much on my paper notes.

A representative came to our school a couple of months ago, and I had the chance to try the Diamante out for just a little while. The touch was AWESOME!!! I'm going to meet with her again to really get a better feel for it. I'm also going to use the school's Mira once I get passed the RPR so that I can see how I do with readback in class. I don't want to change machines or even write on a different machine too much before I take the CSR in January. I'm really leaning towards the Diamante. I just don't want to make that big of a purchase and regret it.

Until recently I just wanted to GET OUT of school. Now, I want to be the best realtime reporter I can be. Magnum Steno has really inspired and motivated me as well as convinced me that I CAN achieve that level of confidence in my writing.

Again, thanks for all the suggestions; and please say a prayer for me on my upcoming tests.



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