
I took a dep of a doctor the other day and he used what I think is an acronym, but I'm not sure....it sounds like "HACE." Has anybody ever heard of this term before???

Thanks! Here's the context:

Q. Are there times where EMS calls to the hospital to say, We are transporting, you know, a 54-year-old man with chest pain, or something like that?
A. Sometimes we get a HACE (phonetic) when someone is coding, or someone needs an emergent airway they HACE us sometimes.
Q. What does that term mean?
A. We have a box that they would call and say, We're bringing a patient. Please stand by.

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I found a definition for HACE, which is probably not what the doctor is talking about, but HACE stands for High Altitude Cerebral Edema. Good luck.
Thanks for checking. Maybe I will call the hospital or check with the attorney. I thought there was some new lingo out there that I never hear of!
FYI in case it comes up for anybody else....this is what it is:

The HEICS System is a reliable manual system for a Hospital Emergency Incident Command System (HEICS).
That's for sure....


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