I've just purcased a laptop to work "away from home." Any ideas how to easily save the "adjusted" hyperkeys I use on desktop to the laptop?


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OPen Users settings, and click on Export settings. Click on the "None" button to deselect everything. select the "Edit" button. this will copy every setting that is on the Edit tab of User settings, including macros, keyboard settings, etc. Clcik on
"Okay" and the "Save as" dialog opens up. Click on the "save in" and save it to a floppy or flash drive, etc. IN the "File Name" box name it something like edit settings.set. after you have done this take this file and then go to the other computer, open User settings, click on Import settings and find the file you created and you are done.
I feel pretty silly it was so easy but I appreciate your help!



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