I'm looking for thoughts on Eclipse and pros and cons.



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There are two groups here, Eclipse group and the Eclipse 5 group.  You can certainly join those groups to ask questions from the professionals.  Didn't know if you even knew those groups existed.

I love, love, love Eclipse and am glad I made the choice.  I don't have too many cons at this point.  Stenograph doesn't have the best reputation for "customer service" which makes me a little nervous when buying a software.  I want someone available 24/7, which Eclipse is.  I know Stenograph is not because my girlfriend is on that software and they only are available 9:00 to 5:00 and no weekends.  We all know this job goes past 5:00 p.m. and I work every weekend. 

Kathleen, I've been on Eclipse for many years. I move to Eclipse from StenoCAT for one reason, and that is because of the awesomeness and ease of performing realtime, everything from ease of editing from the writer, functions within the CAT system, making powerful macros, and simple user interface between me as the reporter and the software. I'd heard that most CAT systems are basically the same nowadays, and I also had some issues with the administration at Advantage Software.  Out of spite, I decided to "simply" move to another CAT system and "show them."  Really?  Really, Mary Ann?  What the hell was I thinking?  I fully acknowledge that others have switched CAT systems with great success, but after weeks of trying to learn a very complex CAT system, digging down through complex trees of information, developing complex work-arounds for things that I was accustomed to doing effortlessly in Eclipse, I used this as an expensive learning experience, and the lesson was this:  Eclipse is the best CAT system out there, hands down.  Now, that's for me, Mary Ann Payonk.  The CAT wars will begin, no doubt, but having seen both sides of at least one fence, that's my opinion.


I'm a happy, loyal Eclipse user.  I've been using Eclipse since 1991.  I think over that time I've made maybe five calls to customer support.  The software works as it's supposed to, in other words.  I wouldn't change to another software. 

I agree. I never call for issues. I call for education.

I've been using Eclipse since 2002.  I like it so much that I became a trainer.  The latest version is amazing, and I have been testing out the developmental version as well.  When that is spiffed up, it will be even more amazing.  My brother and sister - both Merit writers - meaning they passed the Certificate of Merit (260 wpm) right out of CR school - also use and are happy with Eclipse!

I wanted to do the same thing--become a trainer--and I didn't know the process.  I emailed them about learning and no one responded.  Do you mind telling me the process of how to start training for that? 

You can email me, too, at CSR4GOD@GMAIL.COM


I was sponsored by two trainer/reporters when I asked to become a trainer.  You ask a good question.  There should be something more specific than getting sponsored.  I became a trainer back in the '90s. 

I can tell you Eclipse is amazing.  I have several reporters at work that have a very known software and each one of them are so dissatisfied.  If they had the money to switch, they'd do it in a heartbeat.  When I tell them all the things I have on Eclipse, they are so impressed with Eclipse. 

It's so simple.  It's so efficient.  And even the newest fun tool I'm using by connecting to the Judge via iPad is better than the top competitor.  It's so loaded with awesome stuff to make my Judge happy.

I feel Eclipse is not money hungry either.  They don't charge for every little thing like the competitor.  You just need to stay current on your technical support. (You can make payments on that too)

I can go on and on.  You can email me if you have further questions. :)

Kathleen, I started out on StenoCAT software and moved to Eclipse for one reason and one reason only:  Realtime.  Because I had a major disagreement with the company (NOT the software, but Advantage Software THE COMPANY), I thought, "Well, I'll show THEM" and bought Stenograph's CaseCATalyst software, tried for weeks and literally months to transition over, believing what people said that most CAT softwares nowadays are pretty much the same and you can do the same thing with each one.  In fact, you cannot.  I have not resolved my issues with Advantage Software, the company, and am happily outputting realtime to iPads on a daily basis.  The two systems work differently because they are not written in the same way, so of course there will be limitations.  You might find something in CC that you won't find in Eclipse ... but if you are setting your sights on realtime, by all means, it would be unfair of me not to recommend and recommend HIGHLY that you go the Eclipse route.  Although I have been on Eclipse for many years and have followed the updates all along, that's an advantage for me, but that said, I found Case CATalyst to be extremely difficult, with a lingo that I have yet to understand, and also  will say that having to drill down through ten levels of hell to find something is not something that I can easily do.  Those on CC who have a mind for it will disagree, but that's my opinion.  Good luck, Kathleen


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