Have any reporters ever seen attorneys in your depo actually go at it in an actual fight?

I have been reporting for 24 years and have never seen anyone actually go at it in a fight.  I know, however, that it does happen.


Does anyone have any stories to tell (names excluded, of course) in a depo you have taken where things got way out of hand? 


Please share your stories.  I would if I had something to share.

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Words, yes.  Fisticuffs?  Never!



I have had two attorney wrestle for a piece of paper across a desk.  It was pretty embarrassing.  I'd love to see some punches thrown.  That would be hilarious!!!
I had a depo YEARS ago that was very contentious to the point that defense counsel threatened to throw a cup of water at plf's counsel.  He brought up the glass and was threatenting to throw it, so plf's counsel's arm went back into a punch position.  Defense counsel actually threw the "water."  But, alas, the glass empty (I'm sure he knew it was empty).  The punch wasn't thrown, but it did get close.  That was the closest I've come to seeing a punch thrown in a depo.
The closest I got to any action is this witness said the F word about 30 times and then stormed out of the room.   That's it.   Sort of funny.

Yep,  I sure have.    Late in the evening depo long, long ago.   Attorney stood up, amost put his fist into another guys face, but instead threw transcripts and other things across the room at him.  Lots of yelling!

I almost got hit in the face with what was being thown across the room!  And when I ducked and stood up to move away, they told me to keep typing!


I was involved in one of those, we're on the record/we're not on the record fights between attorneys.  If they don't agree to go off, I keep on writing.  Opposing counsel obviously wanted to make a record.  The hiring attorney wanted me to stop writing.  When I continued writing, he came over and yanked my cables out.   End of deposition.   Psycho wins.

Wow, that is so wrong.  Why take it out on you?  Not your fault.   Some people are just crazy.  I hate that "on the record."  "No, I want that off the record."   "No, I want it on the record" type of discussion/argument.  It puts us right in the middle of the fight.  Absolutely hate that. 

If somebody tried to yank out my cables, I think I'd be the first one throwing the punch.  So not cool.
Yeah, I agree.  That is so not okay. 

I haven't seen a physical fight, but years ago when women attorneys were just starting to become more prevelent, there was a guy in a depo who was a known jerk, and he started in on the woman attorney who was taking the deposition.  I can't remember everything he said, but he was just needling her with some pretty sexist comments.  And when she suggested they take a break, he said something like:  What?  Do you have to go ask (the male firm-owner) what to do?    And the kicker was:  You're the one who's all excited.  Why don't you just get up on the table and dance for us?

Of course, all of this was on the record.  And I was making sure that I was getting every single word that that jerk was spewing.  It was vile, and it gives me the creeps just thinking about it, what, 27, 28 years later.

I was talking to the videographer on my depo yesterday and he said he had a deposition where the witness took his pen and stabbed his "own" attorney in the leg with it; had some serious anger issues.  Of course, the depo ended pretty abruptly after that.   Crazy!


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