IMPORTANT!!! NCRA Action -- A NATIONAL Threat to STENO Court Reporting Profession -- Think Deposition Reporters Can't Be Replaced by ER/DAR? Think Again!

Please read the message below and go to this site for more information/details:

Dear Reporters:

In November of 2008, the NCRA Board of Directors voted to explore/develop a plan for the testing and certification of non-steno methods. These methods include electronic recording/digital audio recording and voicewriting.

As members of NCRA, we believe it is in contradiction to the Constitution & Bylaws of this Association and outside the scope of purpose of the Association to spend Association money and resources on certifying non-stenographic methods, especially when members of this Association, steno reporters, are losing jobs all over the country to these competing methods.

Although we understand that no actual plan for testing non-steno methods has been developed yet and is only in a discussion stage, we object to any time and/or money spent on an endeavor that we believe will be harmful to the core membership and the profession.

We understand there is a perfectly valid opposing opinion that if these alternate record-makers are working alongside stenographers, they should be held to the same standards. However, our belief is that it would be very hard, if not impossible, for NCRA to remain an advocate for the stenographic method if it were to test/certify other methods’ competency; that it would fundamentally change the Association from a trade association for verbatim stenographers to a testing agency for all makers of the record.

An analogy from the NCRA Forum was that GM wants Hondas tested equally by the NHTSA. We agree, but GM isn’t in charge of testing Hondas, and shouldn’t be (conflict of interest.) So the question is whether members want NCRA to become the independent testing authority (NHTSA).

We believe this is such a significant policy shift that it should be presented to membership to decide on, not just the board of directors.

In response to this action by the board, a group of reporters have created this Members’ Motion to Rescind Board Action, pursuant to NCRA Constitution & Bylaws, in order to have the issue debated and voted upon by the membership at the annual business meeting this year. Below you will find the actual motion, supporting documents, as well as how you and others can become a signatory if you agree.

Please understand, this motion is in no way meant to insult, harass, or annoy. We are not pointing fingers or making character assaults of any kind. What we have here is a difference of opinion. However, we truly believe that allowing the board to continue down this path would be detrimental to the careers of our membership.

Our passion is great; our motives are sincere.

You will need to attend the annual business meeting on August 6 in Washington, D.C. in order to actually vote. Online voting is not available for this purpose. However, your support as a signatory is also needed to demonstrate to those present the will of the members.

Thank you for your consideration.

*** For further reading on this issue, please visit:

NCRA Forum "Reality" Thread
"Concerned Student" Blog

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Mary Ann:

We have a choice: We can fight, or we can take it lying down and watch the imminent demise of our profession. I choose to fight. And, if I lose this battle, at least I will have the satisfaction of knowing that I am not continuing to fund a war against myself.

It all boils down to the filthy, tawdry bottom line. It's great that the NCRA BoD are all so well off and do not need to work as reporters anymore; otherwise, they would see this slap in the face for what it is. Unfortunately for the members, we're not in the cushy position to give up our reporting careers just yet. Sad that they've all seemed to have forgotten "where they came from."

We need to elect a new board, one that remembers the hard work we have all endured to get here, the hard work we do each day on the job ... and the hard work that has been gone through to fight ER/DR to this day.

Until then ... to the death.
Quyen ... one of the biggest complaints I hear from almost all fronts is that the profession suffers from reporter apathy. But just LOOK at that beautiful smile and those flashing eyes! It's about time someone says, "Enough!" We're angry ... and afraid too ... but we can turn that fear into action and make a difference. I hope readers of these words do just that.

Aaawww, thanks, Mary Ann. *blushes*

I feel the same way, as if reporters don't care. Perhaps the thinking is: "It's okay; I don't have to do anything. Others will do it for me." A shame, really. I just hope that reporters are aware of what is about to come -- and will ACT and take control of our own fate.

I was not a member of the DRA, but I will send them my first check tomorrow. The DRA will fight for us. If all the NCRA is interested in is certifying everyone and their mothers for their own financial gain -- well, then they can just shove it. As far as I'm concerned, I don't need the NCRA's acronyms.
Say ... anyone see this?

"This" is a discussion on salaries between stenographers and ER-folk. Most interesting ....

"For a Good (steno) Time ...."
"It's great that the NCRA BoD are all so well off and do not need to work as reporters anymore; otherwise, they would see this slap in the face for what it is. Unfortunately for the members, we're not in the cushy position to give up our reporting careers just yet."

Quyen, as much as I've enjoyed your misinformed ranting, this traverses the line separating ranting from raving.

Adam D. Miller, RPR, CRI,
Director, NCRA,
& hard-working stenographic court reporter.
You're welcome to call it whatever you like. You're entitled to your opinion, just as I am to mine.

Just makes me wonder why such a "hard-working stenographic court reporter" would support such a motion.
Oh, I'm not disagreeing with your right to have opinions or to express them. But you don't get to choose your facts.

But characterizing the members of the Board thusly is leaving the realm of opinion and entering into contrafactual thinking.

As to whys and wherefores, I'd refer you to the NCRA forum. I've posted extensively on the subject.

I've had enough of the NCRA. I don't need to read the forum. The NCRA could "why and wherefore" till the end of time, and it's not going to change how I feel about the issue one bit.

About being factual, "contrafactual," opinion, ranting, raving, I couldn't care less -- just like how the board regards its core membership.

Have you joined the CAL DRA yet? I joined just now. I feel it's going to be important for California reporters to fight this fight from all angles, especially from within California; meaning, JOIN CAL DRA!!!
I just wrote my check today, Judy -- even gave them a gift. :)
I have been a member of CalDRA for a few years now. Also TCRA. Both very good and deserving-of-membership associations. I am no longer a member of the NY and NJ associations. Member since 1977 of NSRA (now called NCRA). I have several insurance policies with them so it's unlikely I'd ever quit because of that alone.

Marge Teilhaber
Fort Lee, NJ
Quyen and Judy,
Thank you so very much for joining our great freelance deposition reporting organization in California. The battle that the Deposition Reporters Association (DRA) is actually working on right now can be found under my post of "Agencies Following Our Laws." A few other states have equal laws for all reporting companies, and California is hoping to join them soon! Your membership and moral support is helping!

Lisa Michaels
DRA Vice President


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