Just discovered this and was wondering if anyone knows about/has any experience with it?

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I have one that looks sort of similar from Kinesis.  Not quite the same, though.  How much does that one cost?  This one costs about $265.00, which I think is way, way too much.

 There's a Youtube video of a guy using it for steno.  Do you use it for steno as well?  Cuz that's a LOT cheaper than a steno machine....

Mary, if you want a steno writer at a price that you can buy (without thinking of selling your car), the super-cheapest is a Stenoram II.  Otherwise, as Glen says, the Procat Flash at $1,100 is the best way to go. I would skip the Stenturas too, anything with the disk drive because in a few years the disk drive will be obsolete in computers.  Reporters with the $5,000 writers are pros in the game.  They have been working a few years, are real good at what they do, and they need the best. 

Wow, Mary Jo, I like the way you said that.  So true because a machine can make or break you, that's for sure.

No, just for editing jobs from my PC.  Don't know how you'd use it as a steno machine.  Interesting.

I have tendonitis in my left wrist and the keyboard is very helpful when typing.  You can't have nails, however, I've noticed.

Here's some interesting info on it.  it ain't cheap either.  ($400.00)  I think the article said it comes from the UK and is not mass produced.




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