Hi All,
Just thought I'd share with you something you might really enjoy a few hours studying.
Pinterest boards are the rage today.
You can Google "Pinterest Court Reporter Boards" and you will find enough postings on the various boards to enthrall you for several hours.
Lots of great historical info and also great humorous cartoons and special items of great interest to average court reporters.

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Thanks, Bill.  I have never been on Pinterest before.  Always wondered what it's all about.

Watch out, though.  Pinterest is extremely addicting :).  I do like their hacks for standing desks, treadmill desks, and home office ideas.  I have so many DIY ideas and recipes pinned that I'll never be able to get to all of them. 

I LOVE Pinterest.  Totally hooked.

What?  Are you implying that reporters are mostly average?  Say whaaaaaaaat? <wink>


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