In the spirit of sharing and caring, I thought it would be great to have a place to post a list of scopists or proofreaders we really like, people who consistently do a great job and have proven to be reliable.

Please keep your comments simple and to the point. Any random or negative posts will be deleted by Monti, the site administrator. If you disagree with a posting, please contact the person directly rather than post anything negative here.

Please list (1) who you're recommending, (2) why, and (3) their email address or a link to their CSRnation profile.

Here's my recommendation:
PROOFREADER: Chris Renegar,,
He used to be a medical transcriptionist and is very reliable, very smart, and very nice.

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Scopist on Stenocat32. Do a search for Kari on here and you'll find her. I just started working with her and she does a great job, open to suggestions and aims to please. I have stopped working though...officially in "nesting" mode getting ready to have my little Olivia in a couple weeks and won't be back in the swing of things for a good three to four months. She is looking to scope full time and just got laid off from her day job so now is the perfect time for her to build up a group of reporters to work with. Give her a try!!
Kari Silva Campos
Wanted to put a note about my proofreader, Laura Tirronen. I've used Laura for over a year now, and I could not live without her. She's an excellent proofer, very, very organized, schedules her proofing time between her reporters well, and has fast turnaround. Also, she always seems to squeeze in the those expedites when needed. Her e-mail address is Happy Holidays!
If you're looking for a proofreader, I will 100% ditto everything Tracy said in regards to Laura Tirronen. Her attention to detail is remarkable, her turnaround is always very fast, and her rates are very reasonable. Every time I think, "That's impossible, I can't turn it around that fast," Laura steps in and we get it done. On top of all of this, she is a true joy to work with, a wonderful person. I highly recommend her services! Her email is
I would highly recommend Michelle Gerson as a proofreader. She was my office manager for 12 years and has been proofreading for local court reporters since 1990.. She has a BA degree in English and a real eye for proofreading. She's a true professional and takes great pride in finding as many mistakes as she can and even brings to your attention when things don't sound right. She also understands our business and the importance of turnaround. You can contact her at:

I am recommneding her because she recently retired and wants to proofread full time and, while she already proofreads for 3 or 4 reporters, she has some available time to take on another reporter or two.
Cindy, I agree with everything you have said regarding Michelle. She is an excellent proofreader.
When I was reporting, I used Michelle for many years. I would highly recommend her, too. Thank you for your input. Darlene
ECLIPSE SCOPIST/PROOFREADER: Denise Riffle, I have worked with Denise for over 7 years. As a reporter of 22 years, I'm very particular who I let do my work. She has a degree in journalism and is a former English and punctuation teacher at an accredited court reporting school. She always seems able to find that obscure spelling or name that I can't find and has saved me a lot of research time. Has a very fast turnaround time, always seems to squeeze in the last-minute rush. Has just recently decided to start proofing/scoping full time and is looking for more work. Her rates are very reasonable and she's extremely organized. She's a perfectionist; you won't be sorry if you send her your work!
I'm recommending Michelle Gerson as a proofreader. She is reliable, proficient in English, and has good rates. I plan to use her more in the future.
I recommend Michelle Gerson as a proofreader as well. She has caught several mistakes of mine!
My recommendation is Robin Fritz. She is on Digital Cat. I have been reporting for over nine years now, and after going through about ten or more scopists, she is by far the BEST! She is a court reporter, which in my opinion is an added bonus. Robin meets deadlines. We've been working together for about three years now, and she has NEVER returned a transcript to me late. She follows my preference sheet, and if she has a question about anything -- formatting, capping, etc. -- she will simply ask me instead of sticking a bunch of flags throughout my transcript. She doesn't make the reporter scope her own work, which is what I've experienced in the past. She actually uses spell check and does the research!! Robin is everything that a reporter looks for in a good scopist. She goes above and beyond to make my life easier, and thanks to her, it is. I turn in all of my jobs before the deadline thanks to her. And most of all, I've increased my income. Just this past weekend, she turned around a 600-page arbitration for me! Thank God for Robin!!! :)
I recommend Eclipse Scopist Linda Troxel. Linda is always eager to please, she is good about communicating, and very conscientious. I've sent jobs to another scopist who complained that my sound quality was too poor for them to work with. Linda was able to scope the job and do so accurately and eagerly. Her formatting and punctuation skills are great. I find her to be intelligent and capable of making sense of difficult legal motions. She is also nice. A pleasure to work with!!
Linda can be found on this site under Eclipse Scopists.
PROOFREADER: I am recommending Michelle Gerson,
She is awesome, reliable, great turnaround time.
PROOFREADER: Tracy Coporale,, has never failed, in the 2+ years she has been scoping for me. to get the work back to me in a timely manner. Her rates are reasonable and she has taken feedback from me in the past in a non-defensive, constructive way enabling me to get my jobs back with attention to details of the way my agency wants things formatted and using the style I prefer for things such as semi colon before is that correct or is that right, versus a comma, among other things. She does not guess when she can't figure out a word and indicates it on the transcript so when I proofread it, I can recheck the word in question, so I have no worries over my transcript not being verbatim.
Sharon Waskiewicz


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