The only agency that gives me "steady" work never pays me on time. And what I mean by "steady" is 1 WC a week, if I'm lucky. There has never been an instance where they have paid me without me having to ask. Since they are the only agency I get steady jobs from, I put up with it. But seriously, I see a check once every 2 months from them (after inquiring multiple times) and I do 1 depo a week at least for them. This has been the saddest Christmas for me financially in the last 8+ years. Court reporting makes me worry why I even quit my steady paycheck job. 

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I would send my resume to every agency whose address I could find, or e-mail my resume to every e-mail address I could find, and phase the other agency out of my life.


Your page does not say where you are located, but if you are in a metropolitan area, put your name out there.  Also, I work for different firms from out of town.  The day they book the job with me I find out what their payment policy is.  If they have direct deposit, I get signed up for it.  I send them an invoice the day I send them the job and it has a due date for payment back to me based on what they have said.  Some are 2 weeks after the job is billed out, some are a month.  Some are 60 days.  If you want more work, reach out and you will get it.  

Good luck to you,


I learned a long time ago not to put your eggs in one basket; get out there and get your foot in the door at multiple agencies.  No one is going to look out for you but you.  As of right now, I work for five different agencies and have done so for years.  One WC job a week is far from steady work. 

It may also be a good idea to go in and talk to agencies personally.  Let them put a name with a face; that seems to go a long way and you make more of a lasting impression.  Do a great job, be early to every job, dress appropriately and always do the best job you can and you will not have any problem getting work once your name gets out there.  Granted, around the holidays work may slow down for you, but the work is there.  I notice work slowing down at tax time, April 15th time frame.  I was pretty busy at Christmas and was even turning down work.  That's the San Fran/Bay Area though.


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