Arielle: Good idea about a Case CATalyst group! Thanks. I'm a scopist on Case CATalyst and have a question for anyone. One of my reporters wants all read-backs block-indented within transcript. What's the easiest way to set this up? Would it be with some kind of macro, maybe? Thanks to any of you who can help.


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Hi, Lois.

I think I saw your question on the Scopists Support Group. Did you ever get an answer?

You can get a special block-indented paragraph by setting it up in the layout. Mine is set up as User Defined Paragraph Style 1 and 2. Style 1 is my quoted question paragraph and Style 2 is my quoted answer paragraph. I've inputted what I want my margins to be for each.

To invoke this paragraph when editing, I select F4, e, and then 1 or 2 depending on which paragraph style I want.

I hope this helps.

I was going to suggest that also Cammi! LOVE the User Defined Paragraphs!

Also, have you ever had training?? Will be WELL worth your investment!!! Will speed up your editing time!



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