I'm just wondering, do you folks use automatic indexing?
I do and I love it.

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I would if I knew how!
It's so great. It's worth your time and money to figure it out and set it up. IT's a huge time saver.
On a different note, very cute baby in the picture.
I use it to and love it! I have more to learn about it but it is a great time saver!
Yep, I do. I hate it when I do overload for my old firm because I didn't use it then and I never set up their format with the auto index stuff. It's a PAIN! LOL
I love it. Cuts time and proofreading. I am absolutely nonplussed by the number of scopists and reporters that don't use the feature. There is a learning curve, but worth it.
Do you have your speakers set up so they are in fields? That's the way the guy that showed me how to do this set everything up. It's so great if you spell their name wrong, you can just change the field and it fixes the whole transcript.
Love it! Want it! Need it! No I don't have that set up. I actually need to set some time aside to get with a trainer on my software and play. A feature I used in TurboCat that I haven't got up on caseCat is the realtime stroke replacing the last untrans. Do you have a trainer you use?
Hi, Heidi,
Yes, I do have a trainer and yes I have the stroke you need.
My trainer is Larry Paiz and he is located in Dallas. His email is larrypaiz@msn.com and I think (anyway he used to) he can train you over the internet.
I have macros so you can replace your last untran w/ one word, two words or three words. I also have an accellerwriter (ph) that will take out your last untran if it's just junk and you don't want it in there.
If you want the macros for the one word, two word ..... just shoot me your email and I'll send them to you. You'll have to make up an accellerwriter for them too or I could just email you that dictionary if you'd like.
I'd be happy to share.
Coolio! I would be interested in seeing what you are talking about. And I will e-mail Larry write now. Thank you so much. Where are you, what state?
I'm in Kansas. I live in the Kansas City area. I work both sides of the state line, Kansas and Missouri.
It's totally worth it, 100 percent. Larry is so nice and so patient.
Good luck,
It will save you so much time. You never have to double check and see if the page of an examination or an exhibit has moved b/c of an edit change. The computer does it all for you. Like all things like this there is a little work on the front end setting it up but the rewards are huge on the back end.
I can't tell you how many times I have finished up a rush job and just gone to tools, clicked on build index and there it is. I'm tired and ready to get that job off my desk and the index is done.
I love it. Let me know when you get it up and running.


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