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Does anyone know of a rule that applies to this:

Well, "plumbing's" a broad term.

Should it be "plumbing"'s or "plumbing's"?
That is one of those examples that is too awkward to put punctuation in. I'd leave it out in that instance.
Just saw this thread. My solution: Well, "plumbing" is a broad term.
I'm wondering how most people treat titles of publications, documents, and sections of documents. Does it go like this:
Titles of publications (“New York Times”): cap and quote
Titles of documents (Notice of Deposition and Request to Produce Documents): cap only
Titles of sections (“diagnosis”): quote only
I don't have to worry about ASCII conversion losing my formatting, so I cap and italicize publications. Titles of sections I cap if it's the title of a section of book, paper, etc. Medical records often show the section called diagnosis capped. Maybe I need more context for your sections question.
I looked up the rules for quoting publication and document titles in my "Gregg Reference Manual, Sixth Edition," and "Court Reporting: Grammar and Punctuation," by Diane Castilaw-Palliser. I scanned the sections and attached them below. I know you're all dying to know. Right? Riiiiight? ;)
So what is the rationale behind not underlining or italicizing major publications in the Blue Book, unless it's the ASCII issue? When I was in school, we learned to underline, which I did until italicizing became easier. I have the local newspaper globaled with italics and I'm not about to change it unless I see a better reason than "court reporters don't" -- since I know that court reporters who do their own printing around here do!
I meant to ask you what you meant by your earlier comment, Brenda, "I don't have to worry about ASCII conversion losing my formatting." Does that mean you don't have to make ASCIIs for your clients or agency, or does that mean your ASCIIs show formatting like italics and underlining?
I don't have an agency (or firm as they're called here) to answer to. I print my own transcripts. I do have a client who prefers ASCIIs over PDFs (that's in addition to hard copy), but I usually send PDFs to clients who want electronic transcripts. Occasionally there are those who want Etrans, and my formatting goes then, I guess. But I'd say easily 95% and more of my transcripts are printed out or sent PDF, so I go ahead and use é and ñ and italics, etc.
Oh, wow, that's nice. I've kind of always wanted to be able to do special characters and make my transcript pretty like that. But, at the same time, it's nice to not have to worry about it, ya know? But, as a result, we have to remember to punctuate quotations different from the regular rules.
For a great site on colons with quotation marks, click here.

Can anyone please advise me how to quote a word at the end of a quoted sentence?  I've looked and cannot find a rule.  THANKS!!


A. "Swallowing reasonably well most days" --
A. Uh-huh.
Q. -- "but is episodically 'choking.'" correct?


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