Has anyone had issues loading DC on a pc with 7? If so, how did you get around it. On the Stenovations forum there is a post about possibly having to take an extra step like downloading on Vista. Does anyone know what this extra step is so I don't have to wait until Monday?

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Hi, Robin.

It's been a while since I loaded DC on my Vista platform, but I think the extra step has to do with signing in as an administrator. It's one of the pop-up windows that comes on when you start to install DC from the CD.
Hi, Robin.

I recently installed an early version of digitalCAT (build 189) on a new laptop running Windows 7. When we tried to make it work, it complained about missing the Crypto32.dll ... so I tried upgrading to build 192, but Windows 7 didn't like that, so I installed the latest version of DC3, and that seemed to work.

As for the Vista method, you might check the videos on this page:


It's been a while since I saw the video, but in addition to running the installer as Administrator, you also have to disable the UAC ("User Account Control") ... but before you upgrade, you want to ensure the drivers for all your peripherals will work under Windows 7.

At my (new, to me) school, if you have a laptop, you have to connect to the HP LaserJet printer (USB connection) in the lab to print. They give you a CD with the drivers to help.

On my irst day -- no, second day -- there, one of the students tried installing the driver on her Windows 7-equipped computer ... and that's when we discovered there were no Windows 7 drivers on the CD.

I told her it might be best to go online and download the appropriate drivers for Windows 7. She tried, but the HP site doesn't appear to be laid out very well, so she gave up and said she'd just use her flash drive.

Finally, neither the Drill Machine nor the Speed Teacher seem to work with Windows 7 ... so if you're using either of these programs, you may have some problems.

Hope that helps a bit ...
Thanks Glen and Julie. It sounds as though I'm going to have to wait until tomorrow. I am logged in as the administrator and I did use DC-3 and another cd. The video for the Vista step has you unchecking the UAC box while Windows 7 has a slider control. It's not clear to me if they're saying you have to have UAC off only for the installation. They don't say anything about turning it back on. I'm not aware of what that's all about so I'm hesitant to fiddle, lol. I guess I will learn a lot today.
Hi, Robin.

I think you leave it off ... but a quick search of the Stenovations site using the Cheap and Sleazy Search Engine lead me here:


A more detailed search of the Forum lead me to my (empty!) thread with the title, "Vista Installation Blues," or something like that ... and in that thread is this link:


... and that's the video!

The video I've seen, but my screens don't look the same as Vista; however, your link to the XP mode information will probably get me running! I had forgotten about the mention of that feature when I made my purchase.

Thanks again! I'll post my success or not for others.

Love your website, by the way. I will confess I haven't visited recently, but I discovered it years ago.

I did not change the user account settings at all. I did follow the instructions in the link that Glen provided. First I installed my cd, which it turns out was build 192 and I couldn't open an up-to-date document. Then I ran the DC-3 update and was given the same error message (You need a newer version to open this document) and then I downloaded the 8/2009 update.

All is well; however, I'm on a 90-day trial period so I will have to get that sorted out later.

Thanks, Glen!

Yes, authorization is a bit of a problem, but you can take care of that by going here:


Not sure what happens after that ... and you might need the latest build to get the code sent to you, but you can download that off of the main page (Update 2009.12.001.exe).

Have fun!


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