
Passport users

Reporters using the Passport writer

Members: 37
Latest Activity: Aug 27, 2022

Discussion Forum

Passport Microphone 3 Replies

My Labtec mic for the Passport (original not the Touch) just died and I can't seem to find one - except that Amazon had a seller for $119.  At first i thought it was $19 and figured whoa, that's way…Continue

Started by Ellen J. Frankovitch. Last reply by Lindsay DeWaide Feb 3, 2014.

Passport for sale 2 Replies

I have a Passprt for sale.  If anyone  interested or knows anyone interested please let me know at crs_depo@comcast.netContinue

Started by Sandra Deschaine. Last reply by Sandra Deschaine Mar 19, 2012.

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Comment by Eric Gilliam on October 9, 2011 at 11:07

Hi everyone,

I'm Kelli's friend that bought her Passport.  We called it the Zebra because of the skin Kelli had on it.  Anyway, the poor zebra has bit the dust - after sending it back to AS twice for mechanical/electronic issues (first one being it just wouldn't turn on one day, no matter what; second was literally the day I got it back from AS for that first issue, the SD card would not read and the SD drive actually got HOT and heated up that whole section of the writer), upon the advent of a third problem (not charging ANY of the batteries), they kindly sent me a brand new replacement writer.  So far so good.  No skin on this one yet - debating in my mind between chrome and flames on the sides.  Things are much, much better with this one.  I AM having some issues with it which I believe are a combination of my touch and the settings.  For specifics, see my post on the Passport forum at the Eclipse website. It's mostly duplicate letters registering when I hit a key or, worse, certain letters not registering when I hit a group of keys and then sort of spewing out after I lift my fingers.  Also to a lesser degree, stacking.  Kelli gave me Jeff's contact info at the time I bought the writer, but I wanted to wait until I got the mechanical issues taken care of before contacting him.  Then I got distracted by other things and forgot about it.  So I've just ordered Jeff's paper on the passport, the Passport Adjustment Catcher.  Will start working with it and report my progress here and also on the Passport forum.  


Comment by Kelli Combs (admin) on October 9, 2011 at 9:08

Hey, Jeff


I gave my friend your contact info.  I'm not sure I understood how it worked, actually.  Right when you started to help me, I ended up selling it.  

That writer ended up having a ton of problems, including the battery going out, and Advantage gave my friend another Passport.  Apparently he is much happier with this one and it's working better. 

He told me he is going to contact you but wanted to take the time to set it up properly or something.


Comment by Naola "Sam" Vaughn on June 23, 2011 at 20:32
I love the machine!!!  I have never had any such problems.  I would assume you didn't have the keys adjusted right.  I have the stroke depth extremely shallow and the sensitivity (the bars) pretty high.  But I have a light touch, too.   I can't write on another machine.  It kills my hands!!  Tried the LightSpeed but the accuracy on that machine was horrible.  I finally get the accuracy with the Passport that I got with my StenoRam III.  No stacking at all!!   Make editing such a pleasant experience now!
Comment by Kelli Combs on April 6, 2011 at 7:37
Boy, I sure hope the members of this group like this machine.  I had such a hard time with it.  It would register keys when I was writing that my fingers did not even come close to pushing.  I finally sold it and now my friend is having all the trouble. 

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