We all need some laughs as the semester goes on, so I thought I would post these links for anyone who hasn't seen them.
The first two are the wedding and divorce dancing entrances of Kevin and Jill, set to Chris Brown's "Forever." How great would it be to take the tension out of a marriage ceremony with an entrance like this? I especially love the divorce one though. Who knew judges could move like that? I think the blonde that lets her hair down and sits down at the end is supposed to be the court reporter.
Wedding Video --
Divorce 6 mos later --
This next link has 3 CR videos. The first is probably the funniest CR video ever made. It has Carol Burnett, truly one of a kind. I think we all wish we could act like she does in court sometimes. Though I sure cringed when that machine goes down! Carol makes a compelling case against the defendant, but I am thinking this one ends in a mistrial. ;)
The last two are Candid Camera. First one is with Mr. Mumbles' deposition. He has just come from the dentist. Love the deer in the headlights looks of the second reporter. Then at the very end is the funniest part, where she doesn't realize what's going on.
Last one is setting up an attorney on his first day. Talk about badgering the witness!
Link --
If anyone has any others to share, post em!