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Comment by Vincent Prewitt on March 8, 2018 at 16:52

My name is Vincent Prewitt, trained Case CATalyst scopist.  I have an extensive amount of experience editing court transcripts, and I am a former transcriptionist. While I have been trained and tested on the principles of Morson's English Guide for Court Reporters, I will cater to your preferences should you have those.

Hard worker, very reliable
Attention to detail

To get started, I would need any and all files you use when you recorded the transcript (full audio, the actual sgngl file, dictionary files, globals, etc).

My schedule is open and available to take work right now. Normal and expedite turnaround are being accepted at this time. Please send an e-mail to for any questions you have about rates or other general questions about my work. References available upon request.

I look forward to meeting your scoping needs in the foreseeable future.

Comment by Kelly Farrell on March 8, 2018 at 14:47

Need a scopist for two full hearing days.  I am on Case CATalyst.  I will have first day ready to be scoped Saturday morning, the second day ready Sunday morning.  I need them back Tuesday evening.

The hearing is very simple Q and A.  I have witnesses' testimony only.

Please email your rates and availability to

Thank you, everyone :)

Comment by Rose Clonch on February 15, 2018 at 6:56


If you are looking for a Case Catalyst scopist, I am available.  I use Morson's and Gregg, but I will follow your preference if it is different.  Please e-mail me at for rates.

Thank you,

Rose Clonch

Comment by Monna Dudensing on January 21, 2018 at 19:53

I am a very experienced Case CATalyst Scopist in Austin, Texas, ready to take on more daily-copy jobs, both depositions and trials.  Please contact me at for my scoping rates and references.

Comment by Nancy Roy on January 21, 2018 at 19:20

Procat scopist with paralegal degree.  Over 25 years experience with very reasonable prices and fast turnaround.  405-826-4557.  See my page on facebook, Beyondthescope.  

Comment by Tammy Anderson on January 19, 2018 at 14:39

Eclipse Scopist -- CM knowledgeable, experienced, and ready to go.  Run,,, and  Please contact me at

Comment by Shauna L. Beach on January 18, 2018 at 3:10

I am a freelance realtime reporter in Houston, Texas that has been reporting for 29 years.  I am looking for Case Catalyst scopists to add to my team.  If you are looking for scoping work please send your rate sheet to me.

Shauna Beach

Comment by Jeri King on January 12, 2018 at 12:46

I am an Eclipse scopist.  I Will take on the ugliest transcripts. I will help build your dix. I'm looking for a reporter with a heavy schedule to build a long-term relationship with.  Great rates.  I listen to full audio.  You can email/e-mail me at or

Comment by Bob Moser on January 12, 2018 at 11:18

East Coast CaseCAT scopist with 21 years of proofing, scoping, and editing experience in the court reporting field ISO a reliable professional reporter to form a strong team together in 2018!  I listen to everything, I look up terms, I communicate with YOU to help us both succeed.  $1.25 per page for normal turnaround work, $1.50 for "verbatim" videotaped transcript scoping and daily and rush work.  Please look me up if you need a quality scoper in the New Year.  Bob...  I currently have clients in D.C., Harrisburg, PA, Chicago, IL and Oakland, CA... so anywhere you are, I can work with you.  Thanks

Comment by Audrey Sheffield on January 8, 2018 at 6:27

Professional, Experienced Eclipse v8 Scopist.  I have an opening for a full-time reporter, one that I am looking to build a relationship with long term.  I have extensive experience, excellent work habits, reasonable prices, and lightning fast turnaround times.  Please contact me for further information,  Be blessed. 

Comment by Lauren Ragin on January 5, 2018 at 7:13

Scopist - Eclipse Version 8

Over 7 years experience, including court and deposition work

Nursing background

Fast turnaround


Comment by Tammy Anderson on January 2, 2018 at 14:48

Are those jobs to start piling up on you again?  Eclipse scopist with 35 years of experience.  My backlog is caught up and I have a bit of time to take on some more work.  Contact me at  Connection Magic experienced and proficient!!

Comment by Ann Burum on December 29, 2017 at 16:22

Hi, Sidney.  I can help but don't know how to contact you!  You can email me at  Thanks!

Comment by Sidney L. Semograd on December 29, 2017 at 13:44

Hi, all!

I am looking for a scopist who is on CaseCAT.  I'd like someone who is familiar with court work & who has experience.  I have filed my last extension on this appeal and need some help with a couple days of trial. 

Let me know your experience, rates, turnaround time, etc.  

Thanks so much!   I look forward to hearing from you!

Comment by Pam Glidewell on December 17, 2017 at 6:44

I am a full-time Eclipse scopist looking to add a reporter next year.  Please reach out if you are looking for a quality scopist who will meet your deadlines and return an impeccable work product.  I treat your work as if it were my own! or pick up the phone and call anytime (850)510-4707

Comment by Audrey Sheffield on December 16, 2017 at 17:50

Eclipse 8 scopist.  I have some time available in the coming weeks for anyone needing assistance.  You can reach me at  Thank you, and God bless. 

Comment by Rhonda Gray on December 7, 2017 at 5:32

Hi, my name is Rhonda Gray. I am a full time case catalyst scopist. I listen to full audio. I am currently available to take more transcripts.  Please email me at: or you may call me at 682-219-4401. Thanks.

Comment by Matthew Ackroyd on December 4, 2017 at 13:38

I am currently available for scoping work. I am looking to build long-term relationships, but I am also happy to do any overflow work people might have, especially over the upcoming holidays. I am trained on Case CATalyst, I graduated from the Internet Scoping School, and I am eager to help you produce error-free transcripts.

If you are in need of scoping services, you can contact me at

Comment by Audrey Sheffield on November 28, 2017 at 6:28

I am currently available to help scope expedites, dailies, or standards on Eclipse version 8.  I offer reasonable rates and lightning fast turnaround times.  You can contact me at  Have a blessed and beautiful day everyone! 

Comment by Janet Cooper on November 22, 2017 at 17:42

I am a scopist and I work in Eclipse and Case Catalyst. I am available next week for extra or overflow work. Reasonable rates! Please email to:

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