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Comment by Millie Corbin on August 18, 2013 at 18:23

I am a new Scopist using Case Catalyst14 looking for a reporter who is willing to give me an opportunity to work with them. Years ago (before everything was computerized) I was taking court reporting classes and worked part-time as a notereader for two reporters.  I typed transcripts on an IBM Selectric typewriter.  When I was offered a job at a very good salary as administative assistant to the Deputy Superintendent of a high school district, my reporters told me to take it.  They said I would have pay raises, sick leave, vacation days, medical, etc., which they did not.  I took the job but no longer had the time to noteread. 


I am now retired and have taken a refresher course in legal transcription.   I graduated from the U.S. Career Institute and I am ready to work.  I have the old-fashioned work ethic, which means I don't play until the work is done.  I will make every effort to get your job completed on time.

My name is Camilla, but everyone calls me Millie.

You can reach me at 928-580-8254 or

Comment by Nancy Roy on August 18, 2013 at 12:31

I have 30 years experience as a scopist (or proofreader) on Procat.  I have a degree as a paralegal and worked for attorneys for many years while scoping part time.  Please e-mail me or call me for information, or 405-826-4557. Thank you!  Nancy Roy

Comment by Arleen Duckat on August 16, 2013 at 10:00
Hello Reporters, 
   I am a 30-year veteran CSR living in San Diego, CA, trained in Los Angeles, and now SCOPING for reporters.  I use CASE CATALYST.  I have vast experience scoping my own jobs and now scoping for reporters.  I read steno and am familiar with all areas of civil litigation, have a great vocabulary and excellent punctuation skills.  I am conscientious, meticulous, and very prompt.   As a reporter I was a perfectionist, and I continue being so as a scopist.   I am well aware of the bells and whistles involved in reporting and comfortable working with AudioSync.      
   I will work on the weekends and am available for expedites.  I am looking for overflow, part-time, or full-time work.  I am also open to working with reporters outside my area, in other parts of the country.  My page rates are reasonable, and I am regularly very prompt in my turnaround. 
   Please e-mail me at or telephone me at 858.483.6290  I look forward to hearing from you and working together with you in the future.    Thanks.
     Arleen Duckat
Comment by Dolly Hall on August 9, 2013 at 8:30

Case CATalyst 14 Scoping Team 

Two of the most experienced Case CATalyst 14 scopists have come together to ease the stress that many reporters face in dealing with daily copy trials, arbitrations and depositions.  Dolly Hall and Monna Dudensing have more than 40 years’ scoping experience combined, including trials ranging from patent infringement to oil well spills to white-collar crime.  We also have in-depth knowledge of medical terminology.


By utilizing Dropbox and working together throughout the day with a proofreader, we normally can be finished with the transcript within 1-1/2 to 2 hours after the testimony ends.  Our goal is to provide the reporter an almost perfect transcript in a timely manner so that he/she can get rested for the following day.  We are very familiar with Dropbox.  Rates and references upon request.


You will be extremely satisfied with our work product, professionalism and reliability.  Please contact us via e-mail at (Dolly) or (Monna).  Together we can alleviate much of the stress that the reporter experiences with daily copy transcripts.

Comment by Carol T. on August 6, 2013 at 13:44


Experienced Eclipse 4.3 user looking for scoping. I was a freelance court reporter in Michigan, and I have been an official in South Carolina for 12 years. Work has been slow here, and I have an “empty nest,” so I am interested in doing scoping for other reporters. I would like to add one additional reporter to my workload.

I am RPR certified, and I am very particular with my work. I will treat your transcript

as if it were my own. You will get an accurate transcript, and I prefer to listen to full audio. I am available evenings and weekends at this time.

You may contact me at regarding rates and turnaround time.

I look forward to hearing from you!

Comment by Laurie Johnson on July 15, 2013 at 23:49

South Carolina scopist with 10 years of experience and references.

Proficient in digitalCAT program.

Scoping and/or full audio review and accurate proofreading

Prices negotiable

Fast and accurate work

Contact Laurie Johnson at (864) 905-1375 (



Comment by Mona Cook on July 15, 2013 at 10:37


I have been scoping for over five years now, but I need more volume!  I use Case CATalyst and I am ready to work!  Please e-mail me at   Mona

Comment by Susan Stevenson on July 11, 2013 at 23:41

Efficient ECLIPSE V5 Scopist needed now to assist in getting 500-page job done by tomorrow.  Uploading wav. files now and will be available to scope by 1:30 a.m.  Email me now at if you are able to assist.  I can also be reached at 209.951.7787 if you are able to help.  Thank you.  Susan

Comment by Heather Joann Mele on July 10, 2013 at 21:08

I am in need of an experienced scopist that is familiar with the California Court of Appeals format.  I am on Case CATalyst and have 28 years of experience as a reporter, but mostly depositions until about a year ago, when I started taking jobs also in courts.  I am looking for a scopist willing to work with my court criminal and civil appeals, mostly.  I always have full audio with all of my jobs.  If interested, please contact me, Heather Walsh, at

Thank you! :) 

Comment by Bob Moser on July 6, 2013 at 6:04

Busy CaseCAT scopist/proofer based in suburban D.C. is looking to get busier.  15 years of experience in the court reporting field.  Depositions, trials, hearings, conferences... anything for which a reporter might be in attendance and need an accurate record.  Competitive rates, proofing and scoping to audio... strong work ethic.  I don't invoice until I get consent of the reporter that the job is a success.  Please inquire, wherever you are!  Thanks  

Comment by Millie Corbin on June 29, 2013 at 17:43

I am a new Scopist using Case Catalyst14 looking for a reporter who is willing to give me an opportunity to work with them. Years ago (before everything was computerized) I was taking court reporting classes and worked part-time as a notereader for two reporters.  I typed transcripts on an IBM Selectric typewriter.  When I was offered a job at a very good salary as administative assistant to the Deputy Superintendent of a high school district, my reporters told me to take it.  They said I would have pay raises, sick leave, vacation days, medical, etc., which they did not.  I took the job but no longer had the time to noteread. 


I am now retired and have taken a refresher course in legal transcription.   I graduated from the U.S. Career Institute and I am ready to work.  I have the old-fashioned work ethic, which means I don't play until the work is done.  I will make every effort to get your job on time.

My name is Camilla, but everyone calls me Millie.

You can reach me at 928-580-8254 or

Comment by Susan Leland on June 28, 2013 at 8:40

June 28, 2013          StenoCAT - Expert Scopist Available

Licensed California CSR with 21 years of experience producing accurate transcripts.

Full audio review and careful proofreading included.

Call Susan (831) 419-5241

     Fast and accurate work.  Prepared to do dailies and special requests.                                     Santa Cruz, CA

Comment by Susan Leland on June 28, 2013 at 8:37

June 28, 2013             Case CATalyst - Expert Scopist Available

Licensed California CSR with 21 years of experience producing accurate transcripts.

Full audio review and careful proofreading included.

Call Susan (831) 419-5241

     Fast and accurate work.  Prepared to do dailies and special requests.                                    Santa Cruz, CA

Comment by Jennifer Payne on June 24, 2013 at 8:36

Looking for an Eclipse scopist?  I am a former court reporter and have received comprehensive training in research, contextual reading, formatting and punctuation.  I have a strong work ethic, and I believe in good communication.  I am available 24/7.  I use the Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary and Lillian Morson's English Guide for Court Reporters.  I look forward to establishing a wonderful reporter-scopist relationship.  Please email me at  Thank you. 

Comment by Naola "Sam" Vaughn on June 23, 2013 at 17:15

Found someone!!  Thanks!!

Comment by Naola "Sam" Vaughn on June 23, 2013 at 13:50

I am looking for an Eclipse scopist that can turn around 90 pgs between tonight and tomorrow night.  I am working on another rush and driving/writing tomorrow and can't get to it and need to have it done by tomorrow evening so all I have to do is proof it and turn it in before Tuesday morning.  It's a video, so I need full audio.  Please email me at   My two regular scopists are unavailable. 

Comment by Kate Piper on June 21, 2013 at 8:49

Hello.  I am looking for a CASE scopist who can take direction WELL.  I am detail-oriented and upfront.  I tell you what I expect and what I am willing to pay for.  Please contact me via email (  I have a list of how I want things done and what I expect that I can email to you upon contact.



Comment by Carol T. on June 11, 2013 at 19:33


Hello, Fellow Eclipse reporters, my name is Carol Thueme. I am an Eclipse 4.3 user located in

South Carolina. I was a freelance court reporter in Michigan, and I have been an official in

South Carolina for 12 years. Work has been slow here, and I have an “empty nest,” so I am interested in doing scoping for other reporters. I would like to add one additional reporter to my workload.

I am RPR certified, and I am very particular with my work. I will treat your transcript

as if it were my own. You will get an accurate transcript, and I prefer to listen to full audio. I am available evenings and weekends at this time.

You may contact me at regarding rates and turnaround time.

I look forward to hearing from you!

Comment by Veronica Sampson on June 7, 2013 at 10:08

I am an experienced DigitalCAT and StenoCAT scopist available to take on some jobs so you can enjoy your summer!

I have experience doing depositions, trials, interviews and discovery jobs. I'm a stickler for spelling and won't hesitate to look up facts to ensure that your transcript gets back to you in the best shape possible.  I'm available for expedites and dailies as well.

If you’d like to know my rates or hear from my references, email me and I’ll be happy to provide them to you.

Thank you,
Veronica Sampson

Comment by Stephanie Wilkins on June 5, 2013 at 12:55

Hello, I am looking for full-time work. I have an associates degree in English/grammar and eight years experience. I can read steno. I have done all kinds of work including medical, hearings, criminal court and technical. I will do line by line audio for you. I have wonderful references, and I am very friendly. I am very reliable and have a timely turnaround. I know how important a timely and accurate transcript is.  I will certainly use your preferences. I generally go by Morson's. My rates are very fair. I take lots of pride in my work and enjoy it very much. My research skills are excellent. Only experienced reporters please. I am on Case Cat Version 10 and prefer Case Cat users only.  If you are interested, please email me at I look forward to hearing from you.

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