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Comment by Al on May 24, 2020 at 15:53

AristoCAT, Case CATalyst, digitalCAT, ProCAT scopist, 14 years' experience, looking to assist one or two more reporters. Please email me at for rates and references. 

Comment by Janis Laws on May 19, 2020 at 13:44

I am a Texas court reporter since 1986.  My scopist of 30 years has returned to the field of court reporting.  I am a firm owner.  I take anywhere from three to five depositions in a week, even during the Pandemic.  I am looking for somebody who has tons of experience and is extremely meticulous and that I don't have to proofread by audio.  I am on Eclipse and use Dropbox to transfer files.  I am a very good writer and I take extremely difficult depos mostly.  Please only respond if you can handle the workload and have extensive experience.  My email is  Thanks so much.

Comment by Deb Doran on May 7, 2020 at 13:06

I am looking for StenoCAT scopists who are willing to work through the new Stenovate platform.   I have no work right now but am waiting for this alleged deluge of depositions to start, hopefully soon.  And I want to report, report, report and have a team of StenoCAT scopists ready to work with me via Stenovate.  email me:

Comment by Janet Cooper on May 7, 2020 at 12:50

Hello everyone. My name is Jan Cooper and I am a scopist.  I am a retired paralegal having had completed 20+ years and having worked in multiple legal fields; also, I have scoped for 14 years.   I posses a B.A. from The University of Alabama at Birmingham.  I work in Case Catalyst.  I hope to hear from you. Email Janet Cooper


Comment by Denise Iradi on May 7, 2020 at 6:45

Hello, I'm a NJ court reporter currently on "lock down," and I am available for scoping work. I can take work from all over the country.  I have been a reporter for 10 years; but before becoming a reporter, I scoped for my mother, a retired reporter.  I also work part time for my agency doing production work, etc, so I understand  the demands of deadlines and how payment schedules work very well.  

Please contact me if you have any work you need scoped.  I am currently on Case Catalyst version 21.

Comment by Lorraine Flood on April 17, 2020 at 5:26

I am free to scope.  I have 30 plus years of experience scoping and was a transcriptionist for the State of Vermont for 30 years.  I am on Eclipse 8.  I am free.  Please email me at  Thank you. Lorraine Flood

Comment by Vance Jarvis on March 7, 2020 at 18:16

Need help on Eclipse.  I'm starting an asbestos trial on Monday and need a few scopists.  You will have help.  Please let me know ASAP if you can help.  Text me 661.618.5766

Comment by Tracy Soom on March 4, 2020 at 6:03



Comment by Amanda Gilson on February 14, 2020 at 1:02

CaseCATalyst scopist available immediately!

I have almost five years of experience proofreading/scoping for reporters all over the country. 

I value communication and have never missed a deadline. 

Please email me at

Comment by Ty M. Levy on February 13, 2020 at 4:30

I am a very experienced Case CATalyst scopist who does RealTeam throughout the week.    I am accustomed to full-day complex litigation, including providing dailies.  Recently I learned that the realtime reporter for whom I've been scoping full-time for several years is winding down her career.  As a result, I am looking for one or two reporters who can keep me busy throughout the week.

For more detailed information, please email me at

Edit with Excellence, Inc.
Richmond, VA  23233
(804) 357-9901

Ty Levy

Edit with Excellence, Inc.
Richmond, VA  23233
(804) 357-9901" width="60" height="22" />
Comment by Susanne Cerda on February 6, 2020 at 16:34

Hello, I am a court reporter working 2 days a week.  Looking for an Eclipse Scopist.  I am on an older version that

hasn't been updated for a while.  If you are available to work with me, I would greatly appreciate it.

please email me at   Thank you, Carrie Morgan, CSR 9842

Comment by Gail Berardino on February 5, 2020 at 13:04

Hello,  I am a Procat scopist.  I have been a freelance court reporter in Los Angeles for over 40 years.  I am looking to retire from reporting and start my second career in reporting as a scopist.  I am able to read steno and I am very familiar with the scoping process as I have been scoping and editing my own transcripts for all of those years.  I am accustomed to the long hours reporters put in each day, and I am a hard worker, exacting and diligent.

If you need some help with your transcripts, please contact me at and I would be happy to assist you.


Gail T. Berardino, CSR 

Comment by Debi Rodgers on January 28, 2020 at 5:37

Hey Y'all!!

Experienced scopist going on 30 years!!...I currently use both DigitalCAT and CaseCAT software.  I use audiosync as well as Express Scribe to support audio files.  I also have experience working in realtime dailies, depositions and official transcripts.  Former CR student and paralegal.  Reasonable rates, very fast turnaround, references available on request.

If I can help either long term or short term please contact me at

Thanks a bunch!!

Debi Rodgers
DKR Scoping Unlimited


Comment by Laurie H. on January 26, 2020 at 13:53

Eclipse scopist with 12+ years of experience.  Medicals are my favorite and I don't charge extra for them.  Looking to develop relationships with 1-2 new reporters.  Accurate, reliable, have never missed a deadline. or text 716.790.1729.

Comment by Cathy Houser on January 25, 2020 at 13:09

StenoCAT and CaseCAT Scopist with over 35 years of experience looking to take on new reporters for 2020!!!  Please contact me through my email at or through CSRNation.  I guarantee my work in all regards and I have references I will and can provide.  I am experienced with all forms of depositions, experts, and trials, especially criminal trials.  I am ready to take on new work immediately, especially from seasoned reporters.  

Cathy Houser


714.389.2191 (landline with voice mail)

Comment by Danielle D Stephens on January 15, 2020 at 7:44

Experienced CART provider, scopist, proofreader and transcriptionist  located in southern CA seeking additional job opportunities. Able to correspond via email, phone and text for out of area clients. I'm on Case CATalyst Pro software to create quality finished products. I offer competitive rates with fast turnaround time. References and client reviews upon request. Compliant with new CA AB5 law.

Danielle Stephens

dba Danielle Stephens Captioning and Transcribing


Comment by Teri C Gibson on January 9, 2020 at 16:44

Looking for help tonight, 1/9/20 - 
Need back tonight.  Total Eclipse Scopist needed V8 or V9.

I am on the East Cost - perfect for scopists who live on the west coast.

Contact me as soon as possible.

Comment by Kim Coleman on January 7, 2020 at 10:38

Cast Cat scopist available. Contact for details. 

Comment by Andrea Ribeiro on January 7, 2020 at 9:05
  1. Hi
    Happy New Year! Experienced steno-trained Eclipse 8 full-audio scopist and in-software proofreader looking to help another reporter with their workload. I've scoped coast to coast over the past seven years; from Miami SEC investigations, to Delaware Chancery, to Silicon Valley complex IP litigation, to Deep South trials and hearings-- you name it, I've done it, solo and in teams. CM proficient, and have been focused on doing backup expedite work the past year to give myself a little more scheduling flexibility. Most of my clients come through referral, so I don't often post on job boards. Always on time, always in communication, always to your preferences. 
Comment by Ashlie Pechin on January 2, 2020 at 10:11

Reliable scopist available for full-time, part-time, or one-off jobs. I would also be happy as a backup for any overflow work you may have.

I would love to add a busy reporter to my schedule and look forward to creating a lasting, professional relationship built on communication and trust. It is my job and joy to make sure you feel confident knowing your transcript is in good hands. I am happy to send my rates, resume, and references upon request.

Ashlie Pechin

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