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Comment by Mary Motley O'Brien on April 11, 2009 at 11:46
p.s. She is a very happy baby, and very mellow too. We got lucky! =)
Comment by Mary Motley O'Brien on April 11, 2009 at 11:45
I don't mind you keeping it for yourself, but I'm not sure about it being used as a card. Although, maybe she'll be "discovered" haha. Yeah, I think I'd prefer not, although I guess in reality anyone could with anyone's pictures on here, huh! Thanks for the compliments. My wedding was in Yosemite National Park.. I see you're from Oregon. Not sure how far you are from the CA border but it may not be too drastically far from Yosemite. Have you ever been there? I grew up going camping there every year with my family and so it's a very special place to me.....and keeping the tradition going with my family too. We'll be going in June, as we do each year for our anniversary. This will be No. 4, and Olivia gets to go for the first time!!! I'm really excited!
Comment by Cindy Bennett on April 11, 2009 at 11:32
Oh, this one is my very favorite!! If you don't mind, I'd like to save it to my computer to use as a card sometime. If you don't want me to, that's fine also. She is just a doll and her precious little smile just brings a smle to my face. You can see the joy in her eyes. Oh, so sweet!
You have some great pictures taken in the mountains, too. Your wedding setting was spectacular!

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