Denise Hunter
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  • Tami
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Denise Hunter's Page

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At 23:26 on January 25, 2008, Tami said…
I sure hope you're right on the Alzheimer's thing. I've been fighting back from a head injury from '04, and there's been many times I just think it has to be Alzheimer's and not the blow to my head.

I know that's not true because I still have concussion symptoms along with the Alzheimer symptoms, but it scares me every once in a while.

They told me I wouldn't get any better after the first year or so, and I do think because we challenge ourselves that I feel like I am still making progress.

Of course all our kids have to make us feel a bit crazy at times, too. :)

Just don't try to do too much at once with Stenomaster. About the time I get comfortable, I always tend to take another "too bigga bite." It's so fun, though.
At 19:51 on January 21, 2008, Tami said…
Hi, Denise,

Did you get the online dictation from Stenomaster thrown in on the book purchase?? I hear they've been doing that. I've heard Mary, the high-speed teacher, is wonderful.

I have a friend, long-time reporter, who has been working online with them since last January. Her daughter started the theory with them, and she took the high-speed class while converting a lot of her writing over. The first theory class was tough, and I'm not sure that she would recommend it, but she absolutely loves Mary.

Also, how about the bootcamp tapes?? They should help you a lot, too, on your quest.

Before computers came around I started to get a bit bored with being a CR. That was about my sixth year. Since then, there's never been a dull moment. Even before I even heard the word "realtime" I was changing my writing because I couldn't stand selecting 1, 2, or 3 for my conflicts. Just was a bonus that when RT came around I had already worked out most of my major conflicts. Of course I still had a very long way to go, but I was glad I was just plain lucky and fell into it.

Another busy mom! Gotta love it!
At 14:43 on January 19, 2008, Tami said…
Hi, Denise.

Thanks for the confirmation. Just know that you'll prolong your career by MANY years learning to write shorter, and I think you'll enjoy your job a whole lot more. It just gets easier and easier the shorter you write.

Don't know if you know it, but I taught my son in the pic Stenomaster theory and then sent him off to a brick and mortar school. He's leaps and bounds beyond most of us already as far as being so open to the concept of writing lean and mean. He's going to be a super reporter.

Makes this mama proud!

How old are your children??
At 15:14 on January 17, 2008, Kelli Combs (admin) said…
please join the Court Reporters group to your right.
just click "Court Reporters" and "Join Court Reporters"

We are into our 1st month, give it some time, it should get very exciting around here.

Just a heads up. if you look at the top of your page to the left, you will see a person icon and a mail icon, click on the little guy and add me to your friends list (assuming you would want to, lol).
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