Diane D'Angelo
  • Female
  • Monrovia, CA
  • United States
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Diane D'Angelo's Friends

  • Mari Jusino
  • Rachel Baumgard
  • In Court Camera, Inc
  • Carrie Dio
  • Jeanne M. Todd
  • tami carlson
  • Michelle Bailey
  • Karen Klein
  • Janet
  • Mari Jusino
  • Derek Hoagland
  • Lori L. Monroe
  • Lisa King
  • Deborah M.

Diane D'Angelo's Page

Profile Information

What is your occupation?
Scopist of 21 years on CATalyst, up to CC16. Trained under Mrs. W-W and Nancy Patterson of Bryan College
What state do you live in?
How did you find out about CSRnation?
Friends-Angela Metz, Melissa Villagran, Renee Pacheco, Denyce Sanders
What is your CSR number if you're a court reporter?
I'm not a court reporter.
If reporter/scopist, what software do you use?
Case CATalyst 16

Comment Wall (14 comments)

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At 11:18 on May 4, 2016, Madonna Farrell said…

Hi, Diane.  I saw your post.  I have been overloaded with work and personal stuff.

I was wondering if you would like to start scoping for me. I have about 130-pg depo taken a while back, but not transcribed. Now they want it by Friday.

I also have, starting in June and running through August, every week on Wed-Fri, realtime/rough depos starting.

Would you be interested in any of these?

Please let me know!

Thanks :)

Madonna Farrell, RPR

At 11:18 on May 4, 2016, Madonna Farrell said…

Hi, Diane.  I saw your post.  I have been overloaded with work and personal stuff.

I was wondering if you would like to start scoping for me. I have about 130-pg depo taken a while back, but not transcribed. Now they want it by Friday.

I also have, starting in June and running through August, every week on Wed-Fri, realtime/rough depos starting.

Would you be interested in any of these?

Please let me know!

Thanks :)

Madonna Farrell, RPR

At 5:18 on February 27, 2015, Mari Jusino said…

Actually I just purchased Case Cat 15 last half of last year and so far I've been busy enough.  Still working part-time at the university, so don't want to get too overloaded.  Hoping to retire from secretarial work and use the scoping to supplement.  Ready to leave this tundra, that's for sure!  Got my eye on Florida :)  Hope all is well with you and your family.  Has the scoping been good to you?   

At 11:59 on February 26, 2015, Mari Jusino said…

Doin' okay, Diane?  Ha!

At 9:27 on October 18, 2009, Sandra Mitchell said…
HI Diane, I vaguely remember -- but it's probably my bad memory. I just heard from Tami Carlson and I see Kim Thronton and Kathleen Myler once a year. Do you remember them? Well, I've been reporting since 2001. I've been on Eclipse all this time and still like it. Next week I'm taking a LiveNote class -- cross your fingers. I've kind of scared to show my stuff but I feel you have to advance in whatever endeavor you take in life, so here it goes... How long have you been scoping? Do you only scope on Catlyst? I used to use Catalyst in school, but when I passed the CSR, I decided to change.
At 12:37 on September 21, 2009, Diane D'Angelo said…
Hey, Gal!!! I still remember "gang-related." That was so funny...
Yep, me and Joe had a boy. He's almost 5 now. Jennie and Sarah are 24 and 20. I bet your kids are all grown too. What's your e-mail address? Mine is diane_dangelo@msn.com. Write me!!!
At 12:35 on September 21, 2009, Mari Jusino said…
Totally fine! I'm still going through emails. Sad, isn't it? You take a week off work and they bombard you with all kinds of stuff. Email me your number at mjusino@ysu.edu. I'll call you.
At 12:33 on September 21, 2009, Mari Jusino said…
Hey Diane! It's great to hear from you. Can't believe you had a baby!! Hope everything's great with you and your family. Especially hope that all's well with your sister. And, look, Jeanne's doin' a shoutout too! I am most def interested in some extra work. Keep me posted. We'll have to talk ;)
At 15:29 on September 18, 2009, Jeanne M. Todd said…
Diane, Hi!! I've just learned about this website this week, and I'm very much learning my way around it. I can't believe you're here, and it looks like Mari and Lori too. I'd love to connect up with you again.
At 10:11 on September 18, 2009, Lori L. Monroe said…
Hey Diane!!! What a coincidink! Mari was in town for a week and just left this morning. She'll get in touch with your via your page when she gets back home. But check out her page too. I have her number somewhere. E-mail me at eagleyesservices@aol.com and I'll send it to you. Hope everything is going well for you. Take care.

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