Laury Wasoff
  • Female
  • Porter Ranch, CA
  • United States
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Laury Wasoff's Friends

  • Maggie DuRoss
  • Karen Sussman
  • Kathleen Russell
  • Nikki Roy
  • Karen Cooper
  • Leesa Durrant
  • Marla Sharp

Laury Wasoff's Groups


Laury Wasoff's Page

Profile Information

What is your occupation?
deposition reporter
What state do you live in?
How did you find out about CSRnation?
other reporters
What is your CSR number if you're a court reporter?
If reporter/scopist, what software do you use?

Comment Wall (5 comments)

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At 12:57 on April 13, 2009, Wendy Moore said…
Hi Laury,
I know it's not to your liking, but I'm gonna ask anyway! Are you available tomorrow, Tuesday, for a 3:00 comp doctor in Glendale? Super nice doctor. Last one went a whole 10 minutes!!
At 18:48 on February 10, 2009, Claudia Marsh said…
Hi Laury: I'm Claudia and I'm taking Vol II of a Michael Berns depo you took for Rocket. Is there anything I should know about it? Was it as awful as it sounded in the trans I was emailed or was they atty a slow enough speaker? I took another job for this firm a while back and it was a killer, so I'm a little apprehensive.
At 17:32 on February 9, 2009, Wendy Moore said…
Hi Laury,
Are you available for a work comp dr depo tomorrow at 3:30 in Beverly Hills (Dr. Levine). $225 min/$4.75 per page.
At 21:11 on January 2, 2008, Marla Sharp said…
So glad you joined, Laury!! I was told about this site by two people - Matthew Martinez and Audrey Cox-Ricks. Seems like a fantastic site to join us all together to chat. I love that it's like MySpace in that you can upload photos and music 'n stuff. Neato, neato, neato. I hope to see photos of you and your hubby and puppies.
At 20:37 on January 2, 2008, Kelli Combs (admin) said…
A warm welcome from CSRnation, thanks for joining.
please join the Court Reporters group to your right.
just click "Court Reporters" and "Join Court Reporters"

We are into our 4th week, give it some time, it should get very exciting around here.

Just a heads up. if you look at the top of your page to the left, you will see a person icon and a mail icon, click on the little guy and add me to your friends list (assuming you would want to, lol).
also, you can send private messages if ever need be.
you can add pictures, music and videos to your page.
if you have any questions please let me know.

Its also a good idea to have a picture of yourself on your page, please check this post, thank you. Click here!

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