Phil Stillerman
  • Male
  • Poughkeepsie, NY
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Any ProCATers here?
9 Replies

Started this discussion. Last reply by D. Stan Mar 1, 2009.


Phil Stillerman's Page

Update: I've retired as an official as of 9-30-08. I'm now freelancing.

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At 7:11 on May 29, 2014, RENEE RUSSELL said…

 Hi Phil,

     I saw your post regarding disability insurance.  Did you have it through NCRA?  I was hoping you might give me some feedback about how the process worked of filing a claim from start to finish.  I just filed my first claim since paying into the insurance for 9 years.  Please email me at  

      Thanks so much,

      Renee Miller, CSR


At 8:49 on September 13, 2009, Deborah L. Willoughby said…
Congratulations, grandpa!!!!!
At 20:28 on September 12, 2008, Karyl said…
Hi Phil,
Thanks for your response, regardless of the fact that you're not full of scopist know-how (and obviously don't need to be). :) Neat to hear that your family got the chance to really live here for a while. I've been here for 19 years and love it. Hope you have a super weekend.
At 17:24 on August 12, 2008, Karyl said…
Hi Phil,
I'm making the move to becomming a scopist. But it's a move that is just in its infancy. I see that you're a court reporter, and I know we don't have any CR schools here in Honolulu. But perhaps you could shoot me a message with a bit about scopistry, if you have some info that might be helpful to me as I'm defining this potential profession for myself.
Thanks much,
At 12:30 on June 27, 2008, kaleigh said…
Yes it does, so much. Thank youu! One more question for you...what crudentials do you have?
At 18:51 on June 24, 2008, kaleigh said…
Yea, she gave us a list of questions to ask, more questions about your job rather than transcript and software questions. The point of the assignment is to interview a freelance reporter, federal reporter, and a captionist. Then lastly decide whether or not to choose captioning or judicial reporting. (I personally already know that I want to be a judicial reporter) But I'm doing the assignments and I think that it would be good to learn more about it. I am about 110 words per minute, but by the end of this semester I will be at 160. I'm in the third class, after this I have two more and then I graduate. I'm taking classes from SUNY Alfred in Alfred, NY. I went there for my first year, then moved here to be with my husband as he is in the I am finishing my remaining classes online. I actually have all of my classes done for my degree except two more court reporting classes and my internship. I am learning the Realwrite/Realtime theory.
At 19:52 on April 8, 2008, Brenda Rogers said…
Sounds like you have your hands full with that brilliant boy of yours! LOL Planning for retirement doesn't sound like such a bad thing though. ;)
For a private message, click the little envelope under my picture on my page where it says "Send a Message."
At 23:34 on April 7, 2008, Brenda Rogers said…
Hey, Phil. How you doing?
At 15:00 on March 30, 2008, Rolayne Volpe said…
Also what's weird is your main page always comes up as my page when I sign on.
At 14:59 on March 30, 2008, Rolayne Volpe said…
I just sent you a message, but I don't see that it went to you. I was asking about the .rtf. Did you get it?

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