Well, I have a terrible cough and a sore throat. I've pretty much lost my voice, and yet I still accepted a job. Idiot!!

Why, why did I do it? Well, thus leads to some insights into the tortured mind of a court reporter. Here is the thought process.

Yay, an agency has called with a job. But I'm so sick. I shouldn't take the job. But what if I don't get another job ever? I should take the job. But I'm so sick. Ask the agency are you really busy? Yes. Okay. I'll take the job.

Then I spend the rest of the day feeling guilty. I shouldn't have taken the job. I'm really sick. I need to be home resting and recuperating. But if I stay home, I'll just work on transcripts. My scopists need to work. I need pages. More pages. More pages. The scopist needs more pages. It will be slow next week and I'll catch up and rest.

Call the agency.

Me: Are you really busy?
Agency: Yes.
Me: Well, if all of a sudden your calendar falls apart and you need to give my job away, feel free.
Agency: I'm sorry you're sick. I'll do my best.
Me: Okay. I just feel bad bec. I'll be coughing through the entire deposition. But if you don't mind, then I'll go. No problem. Agency: We really need you.
Me: Okay. I'm trying not to leave you in the lurch. I really want to help you out. But, you know, if anybody's job cancels or anything, feel free to give them mine. But if you can't get it covered, I'll go. No problem.

Call back at 10 minutes before 5.

Me: Any luck?
Agency: Nope. We got another last minute add on that we're trying to cover.
Me: Okay.

Well, I told her I was sick. She can tell I was sick. The attorney will just have to know that it was either me or no reporter. Oh, well, it's not like they really care. I mean, they probably won't even notice if I hack up a lung. They certainly won't stop talking or anything. It will be fine.

Oh, well, I'm sure I'll be better tomorrow.

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Comment by Kyung on April 17, 2008 at 19:50
Yes. I know that there will always be another depo to take. I should have added one more thought that usually goes through my head at times like this.

Oh, no. I can't cancel at the last minute. They'll never use me again. But I really should rest. Maybe I can call around and see if anyone I know is available.

Still ended up going. But I am "resting" tomorrow.
Comment by Kyung on April 16, 2008 at 6:13
That's funny you said that. The other day, I asked for some water. They brought it in. And I never got a glass until 20 minutes until the end of the depo. Nice.
Comment by Judy on April 16, 2008 at 1:44
Just bring lots of cough drops, kleenex and water (because they'll never offer to pour the hacking reporter a glass of water).
Comment by Brenda Rogers on April 15, 2008 at 22:40
Good luck tomorrow! They never do seem to notice you're hacking up a lung, no one can hear over the coughing, your hands are over your mouth, you're doubled over your machine . . . they just talk LOUDER to be heard over you!

Except for the good ones, who will point out to the jerk that he needs to SHUT THE HELL UP! Those are the keepers. Here's hoping you have a room of "good ones."

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