I've been a depo reporter a very long time. I was taught early on to always dress professionally.
I am always glad to see a fellow court reporter in a law firm or office. Lately I keep meeting very friendly
court reporters, but I am shocked to see what they are wearing, i.e., open-toed shoes, (flipflops) spaghetti straps, etc. Please consider what you are wearing. You are representing all of us! You are not on your way to the beach. You are a professional! Save the cutesy stuff for going out. Am I the only one or does this bother anybody else? Help.....

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Comment by Christi on July 9, 2008 at 19:15
I wear anything from suits (not very often) to fancy capris to printed skirts. You name it. Never once have I had a complaint. I am one of the new-school people who do NOT wear panythose under any circumstances. EVER. That's just me. In the summertime, you won't catch me with long pants on. I need to be professional, yet I also need to be comfortable. A reporter should never sacrifice comfort for style. It makes for a rough day.

Yes, pantsuits are very appropriate.
Comment by S. Arielle on July 9, 2008 at 18:27
I usually wear a nice dress or a suit sometimes or pants and a nice sweater or blouse. I will wear flats or heels, no flipflops to work.....only walking through the city and then switch to high heels when I get to work. But bottom line, always in comfort no matter what it is I'm wearing, because we are sitting in the same position for an hour or so at least without not moving, so comfort is a big deal. And definitely nice nails and nice hairstyle.
Comment by Katy Cuellar on July 9, 2008 at 18:17
And while we're on the subject, I would like to say something about "dressing up" your courtroom. Do you really think the judge and the general public want to see your collection of Littlest Angel dolls, cat photos, Star Wars figures in the courtroom? Or your plastic flowers? Or the horrendous leopard print table cloth you draped over your desk?
Has it not occurred to you that this is a workplace and not your apartment? Can you imagine what a defendant must think when he's being sentenced to life in prison and staring at your troll doll collection?
Comment by Katy Cuellar on July 9, 2008 at 18:09
When I see a court reporter who is inappropriately dressed, I feel embarrassed, mortified, ashamed - and it's not even me! Ladies, do not wear sleeveless leather vests buttoned up with no blouse underneath! Puhleeze! The dominatrix look is passe!
Comment by Jill Moyle on July 9, 2008 at 11:36
I don't mean to hijack this thread but this topic has been on my mind because I'm getting back into freelancing after 10 years away from the business and I know casual business dress has really taken off in that time. For the female reporters, do you usually wear a suit, skirt/blouse, dress? Are pantsuits okay?
Comment by Jessica K. Belcher on July 9, 2008 at 9:51
I'm with you on this one. I'm all about first impressions. If I don't get a good one at first, that mental picture will stay with me until I get to know a person. I'm an official and sometimes I'm just not in court and don't have to wear a suit unless I'm in trial, and even then after the first day of trial maybel I'll wear a dress with hose or a nice blouse with slacks. If I know I'll be working on tripts all day in my office, I know it's a comfy day.

It does have a lot to do with what county/state you work in sometimes, too. I work in Kansas City, KS, but I'd have to REALLY watch what I wear if I was working in Kansas City, MO. When I first started working here in KS people always thought I was "dressed up," and I always was surprised by that.
Comment by Patricia Babits on July 9, 2008 at 8:56
I wear suits. I have one outfit that not a suit that I wear to workers' comp depos. It's still very nich, though.
My shoes are closed toes, but to be honest, they make my feet sweat on those hot all-day jobs, so I'm going to by some open toe ones.
Comment by Lorraine Brazil @ BrazilCo on July 9, 2008 at 7:44
Let me clarify: I don't mean nice open-toed heels, I'm talking flip-flops! Not appropriate at all.....:)
Comment by Judy on July 9, 2008 at 7:29
Most of my business shoes have open toes. Seems all close-toed shoes squish my toes too close and then it's painful. But... I always have a nice pedicure. And I never wear sandals.

I've been looking for summer business blouses lately. Seems NOTHING has any type of sleeves. It's sad that you can't go into a Macy's and pick up suitable business clothing, that it's all geared to beachwear and concerts right now.
Comment by Deborah L. Willoughby on July 9, 2008 at 7:28
As much as I love my flip-flops, I would NEVER wear them to a depo. Ever. But I don't think there's anything wrong with wearing a nice pair of open-toed heels. Spaghetti straps? No freakin' way! On the other hand, I'm not going to wear a suit (jacket) either. It's just too dang hot. Can't do it. I totally agree with looking professional, but I also MUST be comfortable.

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