I've been a depo reporter a very long time. I was taught early on to always dress professionally.
I am always glad to see a fellow court reporter in a law firm or office. Lately I keep meeting very friendly
court reporters, but I am shocked to see what they are wearing, i.e., open-toed shoes, (flipflops) spaghetti straps, etc. Please consider what you are wearing. You are representing all of us! You are not on your way to the beach. You are a professional! Save the cutesy stuff for going out. Am I the only one or does this bother anybody else? Help.....

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Comment by Christi on July 9, 2008 at 6:42
I have to say, while I agree to most parts of this, I don't agree with not wearing open-toed shoes. I, for one, have to wear these. I get way too hot and a bit dizzy if I wear enclosed shoes. I do NOT, repeat DO NOT, wear flip-flops to jobs, but I do wear nice flats, heels, et cetera. I wouldn't dream of going into a depo in a tank top, not only because fat people shouldn't wear those (LOL), but because that totally is inappropriate UNLESS you were wearing a suit with a tank under it and the room was hotter than a frying pan. LOL

Anyway, yeah, don't hate on us people whose body temperatures are regulated by our feet. :)
Comment by Anthony D. Frisolone on July 9, 2008 at 6:13
It drives me nuts to see men wearing inappropriate clothing to depositions, also. In court no so much but once in a while it happens. The way we dress is a reflection of how we see ourselves as professionals.

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