Court Reporters, Time-and-Day Questions from Your Proofreader

Hi. In the interest of managing my struggling business as a freelance proofreader, I hope you can help me establish a baseline for structuring my turnaround and delivery times. If you have time, kindly respond to the following questions:

1. At which time/s of the day do you usually send out jobs to your proofreader?
2. On which day/s of the week are you not likely to send out jobs to your proofreader?

I appreciate your interest in replying to the questions above. Muchas gracias!

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Comment by Rosalie DeLeonardis on May 25, 2009 at 10:37
Randy, I send my transcript when I'm done. It could 8:00 in the morning up util 9:00 o'clock at night. There really is no set time. I usually don't send out work on Saturday or Sunday, depending on when they are due.
Comment by Jennie Ann on May 25, 2009 at 7:37
I am not sure if there can be a standard answer, Randy. Work is either feast or famine, and the need to get it proofed would probably follow.

Here in my area, work slows down every election year. Last November, work came to a snail's pace for me, and then after the election and transition began, I have stayed busy.

I know if I needed help to proof my transcripts, the time of day or day of week would not be a pattern. It would be more like on an as-needed basis.

Anyway, that's my 2 cents, for what it's worth! :>)

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